London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Clerkenwell 1900

Report on the public health and sanitary condition of the Parish of Clerkenwell [West Division, Borough of Finsbury] for the year 1900

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Inspector Ensor's Report, No. 2 District:
149 dirty rooms and houses cleansed.
4 damp rooms remedied.
12 cases overcrowding abated.
5 underground rooms emptied.
1 nuisance from animals abated.
9 broken doors repaired.
21 defective floors repaired.
7 sash cords repaired.
73 defective water closets repaired.
57 water closets refitted.
72 defective water supply apparatus
19 foul closets cleansed.
23 water closets unstopped.
77 water closets walls cleansed.
3 ventilations to water closets improved.
19 extra water closets provided
8 soil pipes refitted.
4 soil pipes ventilated.
50 paving of yards repaired.
82 yards limewhited.
2 yards drained.
13 sinks disconnected from drains
37 foul cisterns cleansed.
35 cistern covers repaired.
G2 new dust bins provided.
29 defective dust bins repaired.
24 inlets of drains improperly trapped.
69 defective drains remedied.
23 choked drains remedied.
14 stack pipes disconnected from drain.
25 defective gutters repaired.
24 defective stack pipes repaired.
70 roofs repaired.
17 ceilings repaired.
22 water supplies reinstated and
paired .
4 areas pavings repaired.
14 areas limewhited.
23 washhouses paved.
62 washhouses limewhited.
1 washhouse drained.
13 basements cleansed.
15 workshops limewhited.
41 accumulations of rubbish removed.
3 smoke nuisances dealt with.
3 foul urinals cleansed.
7 dirty bakehouses cleansed.
52 miscellaneous items.
58 cases of scarlet fever investigated
and reported upon.
54 ,, diphtheria „
30 ,, enteric fever „
28 ,, erysipelas ,,
1 cise of puerperal fever ,,
355 houses visited upon complaint and
infectious cases.
285 house-to-house inspections.
2305 re-visits.
549 intimation notices served.
84 statutory notices served.