London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Fulham 1900

Annual report of the Medical Officer of Health for the year ending December 31st, 1900

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Sherbrooke Road Board School. (Munster Ward). —In the
13 weeks there were 11 primary cases in the Infants' Department,
6 classes being affected, and 2 in the Boys', but in three of the
cases among the infants, the children were probably infected by
cases in neighbouring houses.
Hugon Road Board School. (Sand's End Ward). —There
were 7 cases in the Infant's Department, in 3 classes, and 2 in
the Girls' Department, but one of these had certainly no connection
with the school.
Minister Road Board School. (Munster Ward).- —There were
7 cases among the Infants, in 3 classes, and 1 each among the
girls and boys.
Holy Cross Denominational School. (Hurlingham Ward). —
There were 5 cases in the Infants' and 1 in the Boys' School.
There were strong grounds for believing that in, at any rate, four
of these cases, the disease was contracted in school.
St. Dunstan's Road Board School. (Margravine Ward.) —
There were 5 cases among the Infants, and 4 among the Girls.
Langford Road Board School. (Sand's End Ward). —Deal-
ing now with this school, there was during the first six weeks of
the period under consideration, no exceptional incidence of the
disease upon the children attending that school, the following
being the cases notified subsequent to the reopening of the school
on August 27th, after the summer holidays : —
Date of
M.H. Boys Ist standard Sept. 21st Sept. 17th.
A.F. Infants', Class A „ 22nd.. „ 21st.
F.S. Boys', 3rd standard Oct. 6th Oct. 4th.
F.S „ „ „ „ 15th Oct. 12th.
The last two boys lived in neighbouring houses and played
together, and there is reason to believe that there had been a mild
unrecognised case in the house of the boy first notified. Nine
other members of the families of the two boys were subsequently