London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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St Giles (Camden) 1896

Annual report for the year ending 25th March 1897

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Sanitary Congress.
Your Clerk and myself, as your appointed delegates,
attended the Congress of the British Institute of Public
Health, held at Glasgow from the 22nd to the 28th July
At the opening meeting the Hon. the Lord Provost of
Glasgow", the President of the Congress, delivered his
address on the "Sanitary History of Glasgow."
At subsequent meetings addresses were given—
(a) In the Chemistry and Engineering Section, by
Professor Ramsay, Ph.D., F.R.S., Professor of Chemistry
in University College, London, on "Sunlight as a
(b) In the Municipal and Parliamentary Section, by
Robert Crawford, Esq., Chairman of the Glasgow Health
Committee on "The Progress that had been made in
Glasgow in everything conducive to the Improvement in
Public Health."
(c) In the Preventive Medicine Section, by Dr. Russell,
LL.D., Chief Medical Officer of Health, Glasgow, on
In addition to the Presidential Addresses, papers were
read and discussed on "Peaty Water in a Reservoir,"
" Smoke Prevention," "Ventilation," "Chemical Sanitation,"
" American Meat Inspection," " Housing of the
Poor," " Health and Morals in relation to the Housing of
Poor Children," "Disposal of City Refuse," "On Elementary
Schools and Diphtheria," "Poisoning by Decayed
Meat," "Enteric Fever," "Ice Cream Vendors," "House