London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Kensington 1899

Annual report on the health, sanitary condition, &c., &c., of the Parish of St. Mary Abbotts, Kensington for the year, 1899

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existence of untrapped street gullies, which gave rise to offensive
smells frequently the subject of complaint, and ultimately
rectified by the trapping of the gullies. The sewer, of an oldfashioned
type and defective construction, and of proportions
greatly in excess of requirements, is to be ventilated by a
shaft carried up one of the houses, at the corner of Darnleyroad.
The following table based on the thirteen four-weekly
reports, sets out some particulars with regard to diphtheria, in
Kensington and in London, in 1899.

Diphtheria in 1899.

Report for four weeks endedNo. of Notifications Kensington. London.No. of cases admittedto hospital Kensington. London.No. of deaths Kensington. London.No. of cases in hospital at the end of the period.
Jan. 28209911367231251368
Feb. 25279912268981501394
March 25158311251831661200
April 22126656440—1141034
May 208840658621111066
June 1789273633-1101170
July 151912121686921211434
August 1224116918853-1471519
Sept. 9219781671931151463
Oct. 72412721890921631519
Nov. 431147331102992141715
Dec. 22812472391572191735
Dec. 302011051582032081693

Note.—Correction has not been made in the above table for errors in diagnosis
either with respect to notifications or admissions to hospital. Cases of membranous
Croup are also included.
The table at page 43 gives particulars with respect to
diphtheria in North and South Kensington respectively.