London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Kensington 1899

Annual report on the health, sanitary condition, &c., &c., of the Parish of St. Mary Abbotts, Kensington for the year, 1899

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Name of Street.Number of Houses in Street.Number ofHouses Registered.Number of Houses not Registered.
Ashley Cottages271512
Barker Street1688
Blithfield Street1717-
Childs Place21165
Childs Street20119
Kenelon Road362610
I field Road15213616
North Row21156
North Street, St. Mark's1515-
Pembroke Place1192
Pembroke Road16124
Prince Teck Buildings1266
Radnor Terrace541
Seymour Place563521
Shaftesbury Road25169
South Street, St. Mark's19163
St. Mark's Road22166
Stamford Cottages1073
Wallgrave Road27234
Wallgrave Terrace1313-
Warwick Road (late Lily Terrace)651
Warwick Road (late Warwick Terrace)251510
West Pembroke Place16142


District.Number ofStreets dealt with.Number ofHouses in Streets.Number ofHouses Registered.Number of Houses not Registered
North Sanitary District1038232953
North-East Sanitary District315611937
North-West Sanitary District9407292115
Central Sanitarv District15509391118
South-East Sanitary District712810028
South-West Sanitary District23588450138