London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Southwark 1893

Annual report for 1893 of the Medical Officer of Health

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86 Parish of St. George the Martyr, Southwark.
Mr. JOHN EDWARDS, Inspector.
of Cases.
Apartments disinfected 456
Dust Bins provided or repaired 66
Yards paved or repaired 91
Interior of Houses cleansed throughout 67
„ „ partly cleansed 90
Water Receptacles cleansed or repaired 53
Service Pipes repaired 39
Sinks in Yards trapped or otherwise repaired 50
Sinks and Stack Pipes disconnected from House Drains 93
Pans in water Closets cleansed, or New pans provided 55
Roofs repaired 55
Drains opened and cleansed 112
Offensive accumulations removed 13
Water Gutters and Pipes provided and repaired 121
Water Closets repaired and soil Pipes ventilated 12
Walls of Yards limewashed 93
Supply of water provided to closets and water waste preventers repaired 95
Cases not otherwise classified 32
Ventilation provided Underground Floors 43
New Drains Constructed and Ventilated 42
Cat Gut premises inspected 1
Bone Boilers' premises inspected 1
Horse slaughterers' premises inspected 1
Tallow Melters premises inspected 2
Cases of Overcrowding or Indecent Occupation abated 18
Slaughter Houses inspected 1
Bakehouses inspected 36
Cowsheds inspected 3
Disinfected Bedding, &c., lots 355
Houses closed as unfit for human habitation 16
Occupation of underground rooms as dwellings discontinued 7
Smoke abatement 4
Overcrowded Workshops abated 6
Workshops inspected 47
During the year 1 Bushel of Apples, and 220 Boxes of Grapes were seized
and destroyed, as unfit for human food.
[Continued over.]