London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Kensington 1895

The annual report on the health, sanitary condition, &c., &c., of the Parish of St. Mary Abbotts, Kensington for the year 1895

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summary of the principal vital and mortal statistics, arranged
in four-weekly periods, the maxima and minima being indicated
by special type. It only needs to be pointed out that
the death-rate in the first four weeks of 1895 (as in the last
quarter of 1894) was exceptionally low for the period of theyear
but was followed by a great increase in the four weeks ended
February 23rd, and a still larger, and very large, increase in
the four weeks ended March 23rd. In the latter period the
death-rate rose to 32.2 per 1,000, and was 13.4 above the
decennial average, the rate in the Metropolis, as a whole,
being 34.8, and 12.8 above the average. The mortality, both
in Kensington and in the Metropolis, at this time, from
.diseases of the respiratory crgans was excessive. In the
parish the deaths from these causes, in the four weeks (160,
vide table), were more than a fourth of the number registered
during the twelve months, whilst 77 of the 115 deaths registered
from influenza took place during the same period. Full
details with respect to this subject as connected with the
occurrence of the great frost, were duly set out in my third
monthly report.