London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Bermondsey 1884

Report on the sanitary condition of the Parish of Bermondsey for the year 1884

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Jan. 21st, 1884.
During the fortnight that ended on the 12th day of January,
130 births and 69 deaths were registered in the parish. These
numbers are equivalent to an annual birth rate of 38.3, and
an annual rate of mortality of 20-2 per thousand of the
estimated population.
The corresponding death rate in London was 20.5.
Zymotic diseases caused 10 deaths, viz. : —Measles 2,
scarlet fever 5, diphtheria 1, and enteric fever 2.
From diseases of the respiratory system there were 16
deaths, and from tubercular diseases 9.
Eight inquests were held. Three deaths were attributed
to accidental causes.
The water supplied by the Southwark Company during
last month was delivered in a clear and bright condition.
This morning I received three letters from different persons
complaining of a very offensive smell in the neighbourhood
of Weston Street. I found this to be caused by the
emptying of old soaks at the tannery in Long Lane which
was lately in the occupation of Mr. Siegfrid Simon. These
soaks are being converted into lime-pits by their present
occupier, Mr. Delay. Eight or ten pits have been dealt with,