Hints from the Health Department. Leaflet from the archive of the Society of Medical Officers of Health. Credit: Wellcome Collection, London
[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Lewisham Borough]
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Year | Population |
Males. | Females. |
Year. | Birth-rate. | Year. | Birth-rate. |
Year. | Number of Illegitimate Births. | Percentage to total births. |
Year. | No. of Deaths. | Death-rate. | Year. | No. of Deaths. | Death-rate. |
Causes of Death. | Nett Deaths at subjoined ages or Residents occurring within and without the District. | Total Deaths at all Ages. | Deaths in Public Institutions in the Borough (Including Nou-Residents). | ||||||||||
Under 1 year. | 1 and under2. | 2 and under 5. | 5 and under 15. | 15 and under 25. | 25 and under 45. | 45 and under 65. | 65 and upwards. | Males. | Females. | Total. |
Year. | Deaths from Cancer. | Percentage to total deaths. | Year. | Deaths from Cancer. | Percentage of total deaths. |
1921. | 1922. | 1923. | 1924. | 1925. |
Year. | Rate. | Year. | Rate. |
Cause of Death. | Under 1 Week. | 1 and under 2 Weeks | 2 and under 3 Weeks | 3 and under 4 Weeks. | Total under 4 Weeks. | 4 Weeks and under 3 Months. | 3 Months and under 6 Months. | 6 Months and under 9 Months. | 9 Months and under 12 Months. | Total Deaths under One Year |
Boroughs. | Estimated Population Mid-year, 1924. | Death Rate. | Birth Rate. | Infant Mortality. Rate per 1000 Births. |
Name. | Qualifications. | Appointment. |
Name. | Qualifications. | Appointment. |
Nature of Inspection. | No. |
Nuisances discovered and abated. | No. | Nuisances discovered and abated. | No. |
Premises. | Offence. | Result. |
Trade or Business. | Workshops. | Workrooms | No. of Employees. | |
Male. | Female. |
Trade or Business. | No. | Trade or Business. | No. |
Trade or Business. | Number. | Inspections. |
Trade or Business. | No. | Employees. | |
Male. | Female. |
Premises. (1) | Number of | ||
Inspections. (2) | Written Notices. (3) | Prosecutions. (4) |
Particulars. (1) | Number of Defects. | No. of Prosecutions. (5) | |||
Found. (2) | Remedied. (3) | Referred to H.M. Inspector. (4) |
No. | Date. | Bacteriologist's Report. | ||
No. of Bacteria per c.c. | Presence of Bacillus Coli in 1/10th of a c.c. | |||
In 48 hours. | In 3 days. |
Article submitted for Analysis. | No. of Samples Submitted. | Number Genuine. | Number Adulterated. |
Period. | Average Composition of all Samples submitted, Genuine and Adu terated. | Average Composition of Genuine Samples. | Board of Agriculture Standard. | |||
Percent-age of Milk Fat. | Percentage of Solids not Fat. | Percentage of Milk Fat. | Percentage of Solids not Fat. | Percentage of Milk Fat. | Percentage of Solids not Fat. |
Sample Marked No. | Amount of Preservative. | Remarks. |
Sample marked No. | Article. | Result of Analysis. | Action Taken. |
Diseases. | Total Cases notified. | Cases admitted to Hospital. | Total Deaths. | ||
Male. | Female. | Total. |
Diseases. | Age Groups. | ||||||||||||
Under 1 year | 1 and under 2 years | 2 and under 3 years | 3 and under 4 years | 4 and under 5 years | 5 and under 10 years | 10 and under 15 years | 15 and under 20 >ears | 20 and under 35 years | 35 and under 45 years | 45 and under 65 years | 65 and over. | At all ages. |
Cases. | Deaths | Mortality per 100 cases. |
Diphtheria Cases. | Deaths. | Mortalitv per 100 cases. |
Cases. | Results. | |||||
Notified. | Treated. | Vision Unimpaired. | Vision Impaired. | Total Blindness. | Deaths. | |
Home. | Hospital. |
Nature of Specimen. | Number sent | Result of Examination. | ||
Positive. | Negative. |
Disease | Rooms Disinfected. | Articles Removed and Disinfected. |
Age Periods. | Pulmonary Tuberculosis. | Non-Pulmonary. | Total all Forms. | ||||
Males. | Females. | Total. | Males. | Females. | Total. |
Pulmonary. | Non-Pulmonary. | |||||
Males | Females | Total | Males | Females | Total |
Visits. | ex-Service Men. | Civilians | Total. |
Year | 1916 (6 months) | 1917 | 1918 | 1919 | 1920 | 1921 | 1922 | 1923 | 1924 | 1925 |
1925. | First Attendances. | Subsequent Attendances. | Totals. |
Applied on own initiative. | Sent by Doctor. | Sent by Min. of Pensions. | Transferred from Hosp., Disp., etc. | Sent by L.C.C. | Sent by Care Committee. | Contacts. | Total. |
Ward. | Insured. | Uninsured. | Total. |
Male. | Female. | Children under 16. | Total. |
Male. | Female. | Children under 16. | Total. |
Total. | Proportion to Total. | Percentage. |
Maturity. | Cause of Death. | Remarks. |
Maturity. | Period of Survival. | Cause of Death. |
Total. | Proportion to Total. | Percentage. |
Classification of Cases. | No. | Totals. |
Classification of Cases. | No. | Totals. |
Classification of Cases. | No. | Totals. |
Classification of Cases. | No. | Totals. |
Classification of Cases. | No. | Totals, |
Classification of Cases. | No. | Totals. |
Classification of Cases. | No. | Totals. |
Title. | Where Held. | No. of sessions weekly. | No. of children attending in 1925. | Total attendances, 1925. | Highest attendance at one session. |
1919 | 1925 |
Year | Deaths from Puerperal Sepsis. | Other Causes. | Total. |