London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wimbledon 1956

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wimbledon]

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Grade 1 and 2 samples can be considered satisfactory; only 20%
of the samples taken from any one vendor should be of Grade 3 quality,
and none of Grade 4. Investigations were made into the handling of
the ice-cream from manufacturer to consumer in the cases of Grade 4
results mentioned above, and subsequent samples proved satisfactory.
Meat and Other Foods.
There are no slaughterhouses within the Borough. Three slaughtermen's
licences were issued under the provisions of the Slaughter of
Animals (Amendment) Act 1954, during the year 1956.
Food and Drugs Act, 1955.
The inspection of food premises under the provisions of the
Food Hygiene Regulations 1955 has formed an important part of the
work of the Public Health Inspectors. A register of all such premises
includes the following:—
Greengrocers 63
Confectioners 128
Ice-cream premises 214
Bakers 35
Grocers 125
Provision dealers 89
Butchers 45
Fishmongers 24
Milk distributors 35
Chemists 25
Licensed premises 72
Clubs 30
Restaurants and Cafes 84
Works canteens 9
School canteens 47
Kitchens (Hospital and Central Kitchens) 5
Food stalls 9
As the result of new legislation, a new system of inspection records
and registers was devised and put into operation. The systematic inspection
of food premises was commenced during 1956, but progress has
been considerably curtailed owing to the shortage of Inspectorial staff.
With the coming into force of the Food Hygiene Regulations 1955
on 1st January, 1956, all food traders within the Borough were circularised
and were sent a printed copy of the Abstract of the provisions of
the Regulations. In addition, public notices were inserted in the local
press drawing the attention of traders and others to the coming into force
of the Regulations, and giving a summary of the extended powers
possessed by the Council.
The Wimbledon Clean Food Advisory Committee, which had been
in existence since 1951, held a meeting in March 1956, and expressed
the opinion that recent legislation had caused the Committee to become
redundant, and that the re-appointment of the Committee after the
expiration of the current Municipal year in May 1956, was unnecessary.