Hints from the Health Department. Leaflet from the archive of the Society of Medical Officers of Health. Credit: Wellcome Collection, London
[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Erith]
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1901. | 1911. | ||||||||||||
Buildings used as Dwellings. | Vessels, Vagrants, Sheds, &c. | Separate Flats included in Col, 5. | Buildings not used as Dwellings. | ||||||||||
Total. (cols. 4-11) | Ordinary Dwelling Houses. | Blocks of Flats. | Shops. | Hotels. Inns & Public Houses | Offices, workps fact'r's &c. | Institutions. | Others. | Kind of Building | No. |
Males. | Females | Males. | Females |
Persons. | Males. | Females. | Females 15-45 yrs. |
Defective and choked drains | 135 |
Article. | No. of Samples taken. | Genuine. | Doubtful. | Adulterated. | Cautioned. | Convicted. | Remarks. |
Houses Represented. | Whether C. O. made or not. | Result. |
Scarlet Fever. | Diphtheria | Total. |
1904 | 1905 | 1906 | 1907 | 1908 | 1909 | 1910 | 1911 | 1912 | 1913 |
Disease. | Number of Patients. | Total Number of days in Hospital. | Average stay per patient. |
Disease. | 1904 | 1905 | 1906 | 1907 | 1908 | 1909 | 1910 | 1911 | 1912 | 1913 |
School. | Scarlet Fever. | Diphtheria. |
Tuberculosis. | MALES. | FEMALES. | Total M. & F. all Ages. | ||||||||||||||||
0-1 | 1-2 | 2—5 | 5-15 | 15—25 | 25—45 | 45-65 | Ov. 65 | Total all Ages. | 0—1 | 1—2 | 2—5 | 5—15 | 15—25 | 25—45 | 45—65 | Ov. 65 | Total all Ages. |
1911. | MALES. | FEMALES. | Total M. &F. all Ages. | ||||||||||||||||
0—1 | 1—2 | 2—5 | 5—15 | 15—25 | 25—45 | 45—65 | Ov. 65 | Total all Ages. | 0—1 | 1—2 | 2—5 | 6—15 | 15—25 | 25—45 | 45—65 | Ov. 65 | Total all Ages. |
Annual Kate per 1000 living | Deaths under one year to 1000 births. | |||
Births. | Deaths. | |||
Crude, | Standardized. |
Year. | All Ages. | Under 1 year. | 1 and under 2 yrs. | 2 and under 5 yrs. | 5 and under 15 yrs. | 15 and under 25 yrs. | 25 and under 45 yrs. | 45 and under 65 yrs. | 65 yrs. and over. |
Organ affected by Cancer, &c. | MALES- | FEMALES. | Total M. & F. all Ages. | ||||||||||||||||
0—1 | 1—2 | 2—5 | 5—15 | 15—25 | 25—45 | 45—65 | Ov. 65 | Total all Ages. | 0-1 | 1—2 | 2—5 | 5—15 | 15—25 | 25—45 | 45—65 ' | Ov. 65 | Total all Ages. |
Year. | Population estimated to middle of each year. | Births. | Ttl. Deaths registrd. in | Transferable Deaths'. | Nett Deaths belonging to the District. | |||||||
Uncorrected Number. | Nett. | Number. | Rate. | of Non-residents registered in the District. | of Resid'ts not registered in the District-. | Under 1 year of age. | At all Ages. | |||||
N'mber. | Rate. | |||||||||||
No. | Rate per 1000 nett Births. | No. | Rate | |||||||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 |
Notifiable Disease. | Number of cases notified. | Total cases removed to Hospital. | |||||||
At all Ages. | At Ages—Years. | ||||||||
Under 1 | 1 and under 5 years. | 5 and under 15 yrs. | 15 and under 25 yrs. | 25 and under 45 yrs. | .45 and under 65 yrs. | 65 and upwards. |
Causes of Death. | Nett Deaths at the subjoined ages of "Residents" whether occurring within or without the district. | Total deaths whether of "residents" or "non-residents" in Institutions in the District. | |||||||||
All ages. | Under 1 year. | 1 and under 2 years. | 2 and under 5 years. | 5 and under 15 yrs. | 15 and under 25 yrs. | 25 and under 45 yrs. | 45 and under 65 yrs, | 65 and upwards. | |||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |
Causes of Death. | Under 1 week. | 1-2 weeks. | 2-3 weeks. | 3-4 weeks. | Total under 4 weeks. | 4 wks. & under 3 months. | 3-6 months. | 6-9 months. | 9-12 months. | Total Deaths under 1 year. |
Premises. | Number of | ||
Inspections | Written Notes. | Prosecutions. | |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
Particulars. | Number of Defects. | Number of Prosecu- tions. | ||
Found. | Remedied. | Referred to H.M. Inspectors. | ||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Workshops on the Register at the end of the Year. | Number. |
1 | 2 |
Class. | Number. | |
1 | 2 |
Street. | No. of Houses Inspected. | Defects found in | No. of Preliminary Notices served. | Result of Notes. | ||||||||||
Water Supply. | Closet Accom'dtn. | Drainage. | Ventilation. | Cleanliness. | Condition of Yard. | Dampness. | Disposal of Refuse. | Other Matters. | Work done. | Work in hand. | Work not done. |
No. of Inspections. | Age at Inspection. | Boys. | Girls. | Total. |
Recommended for Treatment. | Entrants. | Age 8. | Age 11. | Leavers. | Totals. | ||||||||||
B'ys | G'ls | Ttl. | B'ys | G'ls | Ttl. | B'ys | G'ls | Ttl. | B'ys | G'ls | Ttl. | B'ys | G'ls | Ttl. |
Boys. | Per cent | Girls. | Per cent. | Total. | Per cent. |
Boys. | Per cent. | Girls. | Per cent. | Total. | Per cent. |
Boys. | Per cent. | Girls. | Per cent. | Total. | Per cent. |
Boys. | Per cent. | Girls. | Per cent. | Total. | Per cent. |
Boys. | Per cent. | Girls. | Per cent. | Total. | Per cent. |
Age. | Average. | ||||
Height. | Weight. | ||||
Yrs. | M'ths. | Feet. | Ins. | Lbs. |
Number of Inspection. | Number inspect'd | Nits only. | Pediculi. | |||
Number. | Percent. | Number. | Per cent. |
Number of Children Re-inspected. | Tonsils. | Adenoids. | Teeth. | Sight. | |||||||||
No. of children suffering from. | No. Treated. | No. untreated. | No. of children suffering from. | No. treated. | No, untreated. | No. of children with defective | No. treated. | No. untreated. | No. of children with defective. | No. treated. | No. untreated. |
Disease. | Boys. | Girls. | Total. |
Entrants. | Aged 8. | Aged II. | Leavers. | Total. | |||||||||||||||||
Boys. | Girls. | Total. | Per Cent. | Boys. | Girls. | Total. | Per Cent. | Boys. | Girls. | Total. | Per Cent. | Boys. | Girls. | Total. | Percent. | Boys. | Girls. | Total. | Per Cent. |