London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Croydon 1960

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Croydon]

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1960 was a busy year for Occupational Therapy at the Chest
Clinic, with 52 patients receiving treatment. Only a small
number of these, however, have been able to attend the weekly
class session as there is no provision for transport. Thus,
some patients have been deprived of the stimulus of meeting and
working with other people, due to their inability to travel and
the high cost of fares.
Some patients have improved enough to need day or part-day
occupation in a workshop atmosphere. This is not possible in
the Chest Clinic, and the need seems to be for a day centre
geared to the needs of chest patients regarding room temperature
and smoking.
The rather creative type of craftwork so often associated
with Occupational Therapy is not always suitable for patients
whose previous work has been of a repetitive nature. The possibility
of their sharing the services of an officer concerned
with procuring suitable work for other types of handicapped
persons will be kept in mind.
The 9iow Case of patients' work for sale in the entrance of
the Clinic continues to do well. Much of the work is of a very
high standard and reasonably priced. The best selling lines were
modern lampshades, stools and basketry.