London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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London County Council 1937

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for London County Council]

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The following table shows the classification and the results of the analyses of oils :—

Fuel 80
Lighting 212
Lubricating 9116*
Painting 90
Miscellaneous 173

* Either unsatisfactory or not suitable for the Council's requirements.
During the year 236 samples of the foodstuffs supplied to the Council s various
institutions and hospitals were examined and, except in a few instances where minor
defects were observed, these were found to be of a satisfactory quality.
School meals
In connection with the provision of meals tor necessitous children, 107 samples
were examined during the year. Included in this total were samples taken from 51
complete two-course meals. The standard adopted is that each meal shall contain
not less than 25 grammes protein and have a heat value of not less than 750 calories.
The average of the samples examined was 28.6 grammes protein and 732 calories.
In cases where the requirements were not fulfilled, suggestions were made as to the
steps which should have been taken to avoid the deficiencies.
The total number of milk samples examined during the year in the laboratory
at County Hall was 179. Of this number 67 were of milk supplied to children in
residential schools and educational institutions, while 112 were from supplies to
general, special and mental hospitals and public assistance institutions, under
contracts which require a minimum of 3.25 per cent, of fat and 8.5 per cent, of
other solids, except during the months of March and April, when the fat must not
be less than 3 per cent. The quality of the supplies generally has been much less
satisfactory than in recent years, 33 samples being deficient in fat and one giving
presumptive evidence of added water.
The condition of the supplies in respect of extraneous matter was also not
satisfactory, for of the samples examined, 13 (7.3 per cent.) were unsatisfactory in
this respect.
The arrangement made for the co-operation of the borough medical officers of
health in regard to the examinations of milk supplied to Council's institutions in
the county and in certain areas outside the county has been continued during the
year with very satisfactory results.
Under this scheme reports have been received on the chemical examination of
601 samples, of which 10 were deficient in fat and 2 contained added water.
In addition to the above, results have been received from borough medical
officers of the bacteriological examination of 255 samples of pasteurised milk, of
which 18 failed to comply with the standard laid down in the Milk (Special
Designations) Order, 1936.
The results of all examinations are forwarded to the chief officer of supplies
for his information and he takes any action that he may consider necessary.

During the year 905 samples of drugs and medical supplies were examined, and of these 70 (or 7.7 per cent.) were found to be either definitely unsatisfactory for use or below standard strength or quality. In the large majority of cases the latter description applied, and in general the deficiency was small.

Unsatisfactory or below standard—
Deficient in active constituent25
Specific impurities found16
Dirty or badly made13
General deficiency15
— 70

The percentage of samples reported upon adversely during the previous year
was 7.9, which is not very different from this year's figure.