Hints from the Health Department. Leaflet from the archive of the Society of Medical Officers of Health. Credit: Wellcome Collection, London
[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for London County Council]
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Period. | 0 - | 1 - | 4 _ | 5- | 10- | 15- | 20- | 25- | 35- | 45- | 55- | 65+ | All ages. |
Cause of death. | 1911 to 1914. | 1915 to 1918. | 1919 to 1922. | 1923 to 1916. | 1927 to 1930. | 1926. | 1927. | 1928. | 1929. | 1930. |
Metropolitan Borough | Number of cases notified. | Metropolitan Borough. | Number of cases notified. |
Borough. | Age. | Sex. | Vaccinal conditions. | Date of death. | Certified cause of death. |
Years. | Oct. | Nov. | Dec. | Jan. | Feb. | Mar. | April | May | June | Total. (36 weeks). |
Metropolitan Boroughs. | Childbirth deaths per 1,000 births. | Number of deaths in Childbirth. 1930. | |||||||
1920-27. | 1928-30. | ||||||||
Puerperal fever. | Other causes. | Total. | Puerperal fever. | Other causes. | Total. | Puerperal fever. | Other causes. | Total. |
Metropolitan boroughs. (Arranged in topographical order.) | Estimated civil population 1930. (Provisional figures.) | Births. (a) | Deaths. | Infant mortalty (per 1,000 births). | Measles | Scarlet fever. | Diphtheria. | Whooping cough. | Typhoid fever. | Diarrhœa and Enteritis, age 0-2 (per 1,000 births). | Phthisis. | Pneumonia. | Bronchitis. | Cancer. | Maternal mortality (per 1,000 births). | Notified cases of infectious disease. | |||||
Scarlet fever. | Diphtheria. | Typhoid fever. | Erysipelas. | Cerebrospinal fever. | Acute pneumonia. |
Metropolitan Borough. | Anthrax. | Cerebrospinal fever. | Continued fever. | Diphtheria (including membranous croup). | Dysentery. | Encephalitis lethargica. | Enteric fever. | Erysipelas. | Malaria. | Ophthalmia neonatorum. | Pneumonia. | Polioencephalitis. | Poliomyelitis. | Puerperal fever. | Puerperal pyrexia. | Scarlet fever. | Small-pox. | Typhus. |
Year. | 1920 | 1921 | 1922 | 1923 | 1924 | 1925 | 1926 | 1927 | 1928 | 1929 | 1930 |
Period. | Annual Deaths. | Death-rates. | ||||
Males. | Females. | Total. | Males. | Females. | Total. |
Form of tuberculosis notified | Sex. | Notifications on Form A. (Total of primary notifications received in London boroughs, other than elementary school cases, infra.) | ||||||||||||||||
0- | 1- | 5- | 10- | 15- | 20- | 25- | 35- | 45- | 55- | 65 + | Total. |
Form of tuberculosis notified. | Sex. | New cases of tuberculosis coming to knowledge otherwise than by notification on forms A and B. | |||||||||||
0- | 1- | 5- | 10- | 15- | 20- | 25- | 35- | 45- | 55- | 65 + | Total. |
Source of information. | Number of cases. | ||
Pulmonary. | Non -pulmonary. |
Year. | Houses. | Lodgers. | Day visits. | Night visits. | Convictions. | Fines & costs. | ||
Before licensing. | £ | s. | d. |
Nationality. | Houses. | Beds. | Nationality. | Houses. | Beds. |
Year. | Common Lodging Houses (Inmates) | Casual wards (Inmates) | Homeless. | Total. | Year. | Common Lodging Houses (Inmates) | Casual wards (Inmates) | Homeless. | Total. |
Description. | 1910. | 1930. | ||||||
Men. | Women. | Young persons | Total. | Men. | Women. | Young persons | Total. |
District. | 1910. | 1930. | ||||
Men. | Women. | Children. | Men. | Women. | Children. |
Sanitary Authority. | Cowsheds. | Slaughterhouses. | Offensive Trades. | Smoke nuisances. | Common lodging houses. | Cleansing of persons and rooms. | Water supply. | Milk-shops. | Ice cream premises. | Restaurants and Eating Houses. | |||||||||||||
No. licensed. | No. of inspections. | No. licensed. | No. of inspections. | No. authorised. | No. of inspections. | Observations. | Intimations. | Complaints. | Notices. | Houses licensed. | Authorised lodgers. | Persons. | Rooms or premises. | Tenement houses extra supply. | No. on register. | No. of inspections. | No. on register. | No. of inspections. | No. of places. | No. of inspections. | |||
Adults. | Children. | After infectious diseases. | For vermin. |
Borough. | No. of houses. | No. of houses inspected. | No. of notices served. | No. of houses repaired or nuisances remedied under P.H. Act. | No. of houses repaired under Section 3 of Housing Act, 1925. | Underground rooms. | Overcrowding. | Houses let in lodgings. | No. of houses closed by owner. | No. of houses for the working classes. | Houses unfit for habitation. | |||||||||||||||
Representations. | Closing orders. | Demolition orders. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
In borough. | Occupied by the working classes. | Complaints or illness. | House to house. | Under P.H. Act. | Under housing Act. | |||||||||||||||||||||
No. illegally occupied. | No. closed or otherwise remedied | Instances found. | No. remedied. | No. on register. | No. of inspections. | Erected during year. | In course of erection. | No. made. | No. of houses. | No. made. | No. determined. | No. made. | No. of houses demolished. | |||||||||||||
Intimation. | Statutory. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
By owners. | By L.A. | In pursuance of orders. | Voluntarily. |
District. | Popula- tion (Census) 1921 | Male. | Female. | Health Visitors. | |||
Whole time. | Part time. | Whole time. | Part time. | Whole time. | Part time. |
No. of visits. | No. of animals examined. | No. of cows with T.B. (referred to above). | No. of cows with other unhealthy conditions, (apart from T.B.). | ||
Cows. | Bulls. | Young stock. |
Year. | New cases. | Total Venereal cases. | ||||||
Syphilis. | Soft chancre. | Gonorrhoea. | ||||||
M. | F. | M. | F. | M. | F. | M. | F. |
Year. | New Cases. | Total. | Attendances. | In-patients days. | |
Venereal. | Non-venereal |
Year. | Pathological examinations. | |
Year | Application for first period of treatment | Application for further treatment | Total Applications | ||||
Ex-Service | Civilian Male | Female | Ex-Service | Civilian Male | Female |
Pulmonary. | Number. | Percentage. | Number. | Percentage. |
Immediate results of treatment. | Classification. | Surgical. | Totals. | |||
A. | Bl. | B2. | B3. |
Borough. | On Dispensary Register, 1-4-30. | Transferred during 1930 from other areas and lost sight of cases returned | Examined for first time during 1930. (a) New cases excluding contacts, (b) Contacts (printed in italics). | Total number (including contacts) under dispensary supervision during 1930. | Removed from Dispensary Register during 1930. | On Dispensary Register on 31-12-30. | Total attendances. | Visits to homes for dispensary purposes by | No. of specimens of sputum examined. | |||||||||||||
Diagnosis completed. | Under observation. | Pulmonary. | Non-Pulmonary. | Doubtfully Tuberculosis. | Non-Tuberculosis. | Total. | (a) Cured. (6) Diagnosis not confirmed or non- T.B. (printed In italics). | (a) Transferred to other areas or lost sight of (b) Died (printed in italics). | Diagnosis completed. | Under Observation. | ||||||||||||
Tuberculosis Officer. | Dispensary Nurse. | |||||||||||||||||||||
Adults. | Children. | Adults. | Children. | Adults. | Children. | Adults. | Children. | Adults. | Children. |
Classification. | Total. | Percentage alive five years after discharge. | Percentage dead. |
Classification. | Total. | Percentage alive five years after discharge. | Percentage dead. |
Total. | Percentage alive five years after discharge. | Percentage dead. |
Date. | Time. | Place. | Count of colonies per c.c. at 37°C. | Presence of coliform organisms. |
Swimming Baths. | Count of Colonies per c.c. | Presence of coliform organisms. |
Clinical type of defect. | Cases in mental hospitals and cases not already certified in institutions taken over. | Cases seen in the ordinary routine of work. | ||||||||
Grade of defect. | Grade of defect. | |||||||||
Idiot. | Imbecile. | Feebleminded | Moral defect. | Total. | Idiot. | Imbecile. | Feebleminded | Moral defect | Total. |
School. | Imbeciles. Per cent. | Feeble-minded. Per cent. |
Disease. | All ages from 16 upwards. | ||||||||
No. | Total. | Percentage. | Total. | Percentage | |||||
M. | F. | M. | F. | M. | F. | + F. | M + F. |
1925. | 1926. | 1927. | 1928. | 1929. | 1930. |
Schools. | No. of schools. | No. of children. | No signs. | Per cent. | One sign. | Per cent. | Two signs. | Per cent. | Three or more signs. | Per cent. |
Schools. | No. examined. | Free from caries. | Caries present. | ||||||||||||
2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
Treated. | Not treated. | ||||||||
By private doctor. | Under Council's scheme. | At other hospitals. | Treatment no longer needed (cleared up naturally). | Observation only required (improved ). | Treatment still necessary. | ||||
Cured. | Not cured. | Cured. | Not cured. | Cured. | Not cured. |
Treated. | Not treated. | ||||||||
By private doctor. | Under Council's scheme. | At other hospitals. | Treatment no longer needed (cleared up naturally). | Observation only required (improved). | Treatment still necessary. | ||||
Cured. | Not cured. | Cured. | Not cured. | Cured. | Not cured. |
Cases. | Percentage of total. | |||||||
1927. | 1928. | 1929. | 1930. | 1927. | 1928. | 1929. | 1930. |
Ailment. | Provision made in 1930. | Number treated 1930. | Number treated 1929. |
Division. | No. of examinations made. | No. of ears examined and treated. | No. of ears cured. | No. of ears not needing treatment | No. of ears lost sight of. | No. of ears relapsed. | No. of ears still under treatment | |
Children. | Ears. |
Division. | No. of examin-ations made. | No. of ears treated. | No. of ears cured. | No. of ears relieved. | No. of ears unrelieved. | No. of ears lost sight of. | No. of ears relapsed. | No. of ears still under treatment. | |
Children | Ears. |
Cause of suppuration. | Total ears. | Cured. | Referred for mastoid operation. | Lost sight of. | Still under treatment |
Type of operation performed. | Number of cases | Average time per case in weeks (Healed). | Number still under treatment at end of year. | Average time per case in weeks (Unhealed) | |
operated upon. | healed. |
Year. | Examinations at rota visits. | Verminous conditions noted at rota visits. | Per cent. | Verminous children referred to centres. | Subsequently cleansed by parents. | Verminous children cleansed at centres. | Scabies and impetigo cases bathed at centres. |
Age. | Number admitted to hospital. | Age. | Number admitted to hospital. |
Type of disease. | Boys. | Girls. | ||||
No. of cases. | Heart affected. | Valvular disease of the heart. | No. of cases. | Heart affected. | Valvular disease of the heart. |
Boroughs. | Child population (0-16) 1921 Census. | Under 14, i.e., born in 1917 or since. | 14 to 16, i.e., born in 1916, 1915, 1914. | Over 16, i.e., born in 1913 or before. | Total. | Rate per 1,000 children. | ||||||
Boys. | Girls. | Boys. | Girls. | Boys. | Girls. | Boys. | Girls. | Boy . | Girls. | Boys. | Girls. |
No. of cases of Valvular disease | M itral regurgitation. | Mitral stenosis or Mitral stenosis and regurgitation. | Aortic disease. | Mitral and Aortic disease. |
Disease on admission to hospital. | HEART NORMAL (810). | HEART AFFECTED (272). | ||||||
Disposal on discharge. | Disposal on discharge. | |||||||
Elementary, school, no restrictions | Elementary school, no drill or games. | School for physically defective. | Invalid. | Elementary school, no restrictions. | Elementary school, nc drill or games. | School for physically defective. | Invalid. |
Downham. | Elizabeth Bullock. | Putney. | ||||||||
Boys. | Girls. | Total. | Boys. | Girls. | Total. | Boys. | Girls. | Total. |
Downham. | Elizabeth Bullock. | Putney |
Downham | Elizabeth Bullock. | Putney. | Total. |
Classification. | (a) Downham Centre. | (b) Elizabeth Bullock Centre. | (c) Putney Centre. | |||||||||
Cases with carditis. | Cases of chorea & rheumatism, but no carditis. | Doubtful rheumatics. | Non- rheumatics | Cases with carditis. | Cases of chorea & rheumatism, but no carditis. | Doubtful rheumatics. | Non-rheumatics | Cases with carditis. | Cases of chorea & rheumatism, but no carditis. | Doubtful rheumatics. | Non-rheumatics |
Classification. | Downham. | Elizabeth Bullock. | Putney. | |||||||||||||||
Boys. | Girls. | Total. | Boys. | Girls. | Total. | Boys. | Girls. | Total. |
Cases with carditis. | Definite rheumatics without carditis. | Doubtful rheumatics. | Non-rheumatics. | |
146 | 114 | 203 | 115 | |
Per cent. | Per cent. | Per cent. | Per cent. |
Classification. | Acute rheumatism cases. | Chorea cases. | Insidious cases. | Total. |
Total cases. | Total with functional murmurs. | Per cent. |
Total cases. | Number showing S.A. | Percentage. |
Basement. | Controls. |
Age. | Basement. | Controls. | ||
Number. | Average weight (kgs.) | Number. | Average weight (kgs.) |
Boys. | Girls. |
School. | Period. | Hostel. | Number of children. | |
From | To |
Boys. | Girls. |
Ages of children referred. | Ages of children referred. |
Defect. | Number nominated. | Suitable for admission to | Returned to elementary school. | Unfit for any school. | Notified under M.D. Acts. |
Defect. | Number nominated. | Suitable for admission to | Returned to elementary school. | Unfit for any school. | Notified under M.D. Acts. |
Morbid conditions. | Elementary school. | Invalided | Morbid conditions. | Elementary school. | Invalided. |
Transferred from schools or classes for | Re-classified as: | ||||||||
P.D. | M.D. | Sight saving. | Blind. | Deaf. | Hard of hearing. | White Oak Swanley. | Open-air school. | Epileptic colony. |
Special school classification. | P.D. | M.D. | Blind. | Deaf. | Sight saving. | Hard of hearing. | Total. |
Defect. | Cases passed no longer certifiable. | Cases passed fit to return to elementary schools. |
Diagnosis. | Boys. | Girls. |
Year. | Nominated. | Certified M.D. school. | Invalided. | Notified under M.D. Acts. | ||
Feebleminded. | Imbecile. | Idiot. |
Chronological age. | Mental Age. | Total. | Mean Mental age. | Annual gain. | |||||||
3. | 4. | 5. | 6. | 7. | 8. | 9. | 10. |
Borough. | Boys. | Girls. | Borough. | Boys. | Girls. |
Clinical type of defect. | Routine cases. | Cases in institutions transferred under the Local Government Act. | ||||||
Idiot. | Imbecile. | Feebleminded. | Total. | Idiot. | Imbecile. | Feebleminded. | Total. |
Clinical type of defect. | Boys. | Girls. | Total. |
Cases. | Cases. |
Jan. | Feb. | Mar. | Apr. | May | June. | July. | Aug. | Sept. | Oct. | Nov. | Dec. | Total. |
Jan. | Feb. | Mar. | Apr. | May. | June | July. | Aug. | Sept. | Oct. | Nov. | Dec. | Total. |
Year of Birth. | |||||||||||||||||
1914 | 1915 | 1916 | 1917 | 1918 | 1919 | 1920 | 1921 | 1922 | 1923 | 1924 | 1925 | 1926 | 1927 | 1928 |
8-year-old group. | 12-year-old group. | "Leavers" | Whole group. P.of D. | Total. London | |||||
P.ofD. | London | P.of D. | London | P.of D. | London |
Percentages. |
Percentages. |
Chronological age in years. | Testing above chronological age. | Testing up to chronological age. | One year retarded. | 2 years retarded. | 3 years retarded. | 4 years retarded. | 5 years retarded. | 6 years retarded. | 7 years retarded. | 8 years retarded. | 9 years retarded. |
Chronological age in years. | Testing above chronological age. | Testing up to chronological age. | One year retarded. | 2 years retarded. | 3 years retarded | 4 years retarded. | 5 years retarded. | 6 years retarded. | 7 years retarded. | 8 years retarded. | 9 years retarded. |
Chronological age in years. | Testing above chronological age. | Testing up to chronological age. | One year retarded. | 2 years retarded | 3 years retarded. | 4 years retarded. | 5 years retarded. | 6 years retarded. | 7 years retarded. | 8 years retarded. | 9 years retarded. |
Up to or above chronological age) | 1 year retarded. | 2 years retarded. | 3 years retarded. | 4 years retarded. | 5 years retarded. | 6 years retarded. | 7 years retarded. | 8 years retarded. | 9 years retarded. |
Testing up to or above artificial chronological age (12 year). | 1 year retarded. | 2 years retarded. | 3 years retarded. | 4 years retarded. | 5 years retarded. | C years retarded. | 7 years retarded. | 8 years retarded. | 9 years retarded. |
Status. | Number examined. | Number fit. | Number rejected. | No. who withdrew after being referred for remediable defects or were not due for re-examination until 1931. |
Year. | Diphtheria. | Scarlet fever | Measles and German measles. | Whooping cough. | Chicken-pox. | Mumps. | Scabies. | Ophthalmia. | Ringworm. |
Division. | No. of visits. | Diphtheria. No. of schools visited. | No. of children examined. | No. of visits. | Scarlet fever. No. of schools visited. | No. of children examined. |
Division. | Spring term. | Summer term. | Autumn and Winter term. | Total. |
Division. | No. of cases of smallpox found as a result of examination by school nurse. | No. of children excluded by school nurse. | No. of home contacts supervised in school. | No. of absentees (home contacts) reported to medical officer of health. | No. of visits to school. (No. of schools concerned in brackets). | No. of hours devoted to work. |
Year. | Fresh cases. | Cured cases. | Gases outstanding at the end of the year. | Percentage of cures effected by X-ray treatment. |
(a) Routine inspections. | (b) Other inspections. | ||||||
Boys. | Girls. | Total. | Boys. | Girls. | Total. |
Disease or defect. | Routine inspections—Defects. | Special inspections. —Defects. | ||||||
Requiring treatment. | Requiring observation. | Requiring treat - | Requiring obser | |||||
ES. | s.s. | E.S. | s. | S. | ment. | vation. |
Boys. | Girls. | Total. |
Boys. | Girls. | Total. |
Disease or defect. | Defects treated oi under treatment. | |||
Under Council's scheme. | Otherwise. | Total. |
Disease or defect. | Defects dealt with. | ||
Under Councils scheme. | Otherwise. | Total. |
Received operative treatment. | Total | Received other forms of treatment. | Total number treated. | |
Under Council's scheme. | Private practitioner or hospital |