Hints from the Health Department. Leaflet from the archive of the Society of Medical Officers of Health. Credit: Wellcome Collection, London
[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for St. Pancras, Metropolitan Borough]
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Medical Officer of Health
Susan M. Tracy, M.R.C.S.,L.R.C.P.,D.P.H.
Deputy Medical Officer of Health
N.P. Bhandari, M.B.,B.S.,D.P.H.
Chief Public Health and Housing Inspector
W. B. Dykes
Deputy Chief Public Health and Housing Inspector
R. N. Thomas
Inspectors of Food and Food Places (3)
R. Warren H.P. Price R. Lincoln+
Inspectors of Factories (2)
E. W. C. George H. R. Dawkins
District Public Health Inspectors (13)
J.J. Bevan K.J. Lambert
A.C. Bruton J. Marginson
B.V. Cryer E.S. Rushton
J.E. Davies D.H. Smith
C.A. Engledow E. Stirk
I.M.G. Farries A.J. Teare
H.E. Westripp*
•Officer in charge at the Geffen Public Health Avnexe.
•Part time as Inspector of Factories.
Administrative and Clerical (14)
C.W. Smith, Chief Clerk
J. F. S. Dove, First Clerk A. Holden
E. Driscoll, Home Safety Officer W. Morrow
A.E. Violet A. W. Halloran (Clerk/Trainee P.H.I.)
Miss G.M. Johnson C.W. Riley „ „
Mrs. I.E. Burgoyne 3 vacancies „ „
Miss C.L. Griffiths
Smoke Control Investigation (3)
W.G.J. Harris A. Oxley E.J. Peppiatt
Health Officers (6)*
Miss B.M. Collingwood Mrs. J.E. Pugh
Mrs. N.C. Durkin Mrs. R.M. Simpson
Mrs. M. McAllister Miss A.P. Thorpe
•Employed by S.P.A.C.A.
Public Analyst
J.H.E. Marshall, M.A.,F.R.I.C.
Finsbury Town Hall