Hints from the Health Department. Leaflet from the archive of the Society of Medical Officers of Health. Credit: Wellcome Collection, London
[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for St. Pancras, Metropolitan Borough]
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January. | February. | March. | April. | May. | June. | July. | August. | September. | October. | November. | December. |
Deaths. | Rate per 1.000 total (live and still) births. |
Rate per 1000 of Population. | Rate per 1000 Births. | ||
Birth rate | Death rate. | Infant Mortality. |
Year. | Population estimated to middle of each Year. | Civil Population. | Births. | Total Deaths Registered in the District. | Transferable Deaths | Nett Deaths belonging to the District. | |||||||
Uncorrected Number. | Nett | of Nonresidents registered in the District. | of Residents not registered in the District. | Under 1 Year of Age. | At all Ages. | ||||||||
Number. | Rate. | Number. | Rate per 1000. | Number. | Rate per l,000Nett Births. | Number. | Rate. |
Wards. | Births. | Deaths. | Deaths under 1 year. | Deaths, Tuberculosis (all forms). | ||||
No. | Rate. | No. | Rate. | No. | Rate. | No. | Rate. |
Estimated Population. Mid. 1936. | Birth Kate. | Death Rate (Crude). | Death Rate (Adjusted). | Infantile Mortality per 1000 births. |
Occupation. | Number. | Percentage. |
Occupation. | Number. | Percentage |
Half-year ending | Average weekly No. of persons receiving out-relief. | Average weekly cost of relief. |
£ |
Men. | Women. | Juveniles. | Total. |
Address. | Telephone. | Relief districts served. |
Situation. | By whom provided. |
Situation. | By whom provided. |
Situation. | By whom provided. |
Administrative Area of St. Pancras Metropolitan Borough. | Census, 1931. | Total (Estimated) 1936. | ||
Males. | Females. | Total. |
Ward. | 1936. | 1935. | ||
Births. | Birth Rate. | Births. | Birth Rate. |
Year. | Rate. | Year. | Rate. |
Still Births Registered. | Inward Transfers. | Outward Transfers. | Still Births Allocated to the Borough. |
CAUSES OF DEATH. | Ages—Both Sexes. | DEATHS IN EACH WARD. | SEX— | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Under 1 year | 1 and under 2 years. | 2 and under 5 years. | 5 and under 10 years. | 10 and under 15 years. | 15 and under 20 years. | 20 and under 25 years. | 25 and under 35 years. | 35 and under 45 years. | 45 and under 55 years. | 55 and under 65 years | 65 and under 75 years. | 75 and under 85 years. | 85 years and upwards. | Ward 1. | Ward 2 | Ward 3. | Ward 4, | Ward 5. | Ward 6. | Ward 7. | Ward 8. | No address. | Totals. | |||||||||||
M | F | M | F | M | F | M | F | M | F | M | F | M | F | M | F | M | F | M | F |
CAUSES OF DEATH. | St. Pancras Hospital. | Highgate Hospital. | St. Margaret's Hospital. | University College Hospital. | Royal Free Hospital. | National Temperance Hospital. | Eliz, Garrett Anderson Hospital. | West End Hospital | Hospital for Tropical Diseases. | Central London Throat, &c., Hospital. | Metropolitan Ear, &c., Hospital. | St. Saviour's Hospital. | Royal Ear Hospital. | Hamp stead General Hospital. | Middlesex Hospital. | Other London Hospitals. | Hospitals outside London. | |||||||||||||||||
Belonging to St. Pancras. | Not belonging to St. Pancras. | Belonging to St. Pancras. | Not belonging to St. Pancras. | Belonging to St. Pancras. | Not belonging to St. Pancras. | Belonging to St. Pancras. | Not belonging to St. Pancras. | Belonging to St. Pancras. | Not belonging to St. Pancras. | Belonging to St. Pancras. | Not belonging to St- Pancras. | Belonging to | St. Pancras. | Not belonging to St. Pancras. | Belonging to St. Pancras. | Not belonging to St. Pancras. | Belonging to St. Pancras | Not belonging to St. Pancras. | Belonging to St. Pancras. | Not belonging to St. Pancras. | Belonging to St. Pancras. | Not belonging to St. Pancras | Belonging to St. Pancras. | Not belonging t0St. Pancras. | Belonging to St. Pancras. | Not belonging to St. Pancras. | Belonging to St. Pancras. | Not belonging to St, Pancras. | Belonging to St. Pancras. | Not belonging to St. Pancras. | Belonging to Pancras. | Not belonging to St. Pancras. | Belonging to St. Pancras. | Not belonging to St Pancras. |
SITUATION OF DISEASE. | AGES. | SEX. | CANCER DEATHS IN EACH WARD. | No Address. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
0—15 | 15—20 | 20—25 | 25—35 | 35—45 | 45—55 | 55—65 | 65—75 | 75—85 | 85 & up | M | F | M | F | M | F | M | F | M | F | M | F | M | F | M | F | M | F | M | F |
Causes. | Under 1 year. | 1-5 years. | 5—15 years. | 15—25 years. | 25—65 years. | 65 and over. | Totals. |
1931. | 1932. | 1933. | 1934. | 1935. | 1936. |
Complaints received, 3,538. | Brown. | Walker.§ | James. | akkrs. | Jaffa. | Capel. | West.* | Winchester | Hague. | Mansfield. | Warren. | Dykes. | Thomas. | Totals. |
Situation of Property. | Offence. | Date of Hearing of Summons. | Result of Proceedings. |
Situation of Property. | Offence. | Date of Hearing of Summons. | Result of Proceedings. |
Situation of Property. | Offence. | Date of Hearing of Summons. | Result of Proceedings. |
Situation of Property. | Offence. | Date of Hearing of Summons. | Result of Proceedings. |
1936. |
Situation of Properly. | Offence. | Date of Hearing of Summons. | Result of Proceedings. |
Defendant. | Offence. | Date of Hearing of Summons. | Result of Proceedings. |
Situation of Property. | Offence. | Date of Hearing of Summons. | Result of Proceedings. |
Inspections. | Inspections. | Inspections. |
1936. | 1935. |
1936. | 1935. | |
Tons. | Tons. |
Inspections and Re-Inspections. | Thompson. | Miss Camman. | Totals. |
Premises. | Number of | ||
Inspections. | Written Notices. | Prosecutions. | |
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) |
Particulars. | Number of Defects | Number of Prosecutions. | ||
Found. | Remedied. | Referred to H.M. Inspectors. | ||
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) |
Nature of Work. | Nature of Premises. | Total. | |||
Factories. | Workshops. | Workplaces. |
Nature of Work. | Factories. | Workshops. | Workplaces (including Outworkers). | Total. |
Class. | Number. |
(1) | (2) |
Premises. | Male Inspector. | Woman Inspector. | Total. | |
Outworkers. | Not Outworkers. |
1936. | 1935. |
Date. | Site. | Position at the End of the Year. |
Nett. | Inclusive. | |||
s. | d. | s. | d. |
Nett. | Gross. | |||
s. | d. | S. | d. |
Mr. Adkins. | Mr. Nixon. | *Total. |
Milkshops. | Purveyors of Milk. |
Samples. | ||||
Grade for which licence was issued. | No. of licences 31st Dec., 1935. | No. complying with standard. | No. below standard. | Total samples. |
Animals. | Post Mortem Inspections. | Condemnations. | No. of killings. | |||
Carcases. | Organs. | |||||
T.B. | Other diseases. | T.B. | Other diseases. |
Factory Bakehouse. | Workshop Bakehouse | Not in Use. | Total. |
Articles of food of which samples have been taken. | Total number of samples. | Genuine. | Adulterated. | |||
Formal | Informal | Formal | Informal | Formal | Informal |
Articles of food of which samples have been taken. | Total number of samples. | Genuine. | Adulterated. | |||
Formal | Informal | Formal | Informal | Formal | Informal |
Articles of food of which samples have been taken. | Total number of samples. | Genuine. | Adulterated. | |||
Formal | Informa | Formal | Informal | Formal | Informal |
Article. | Result of Analysis Food and Drugs (Adulteration) Act, 1928. | Date of Hearing. | Result of Proceedings. | |||
Penalty. | Costs. | |||||
1936. | £ | s. | d. |
Month. | Number of Samples Examined. Genuine. | Fat per cent. Average. | Non-fatty Solids per cent. Average. | ||||||
1934. | 1935 | 1936. | 1934. | 1935. | 1936. | 1934. | 1935. | 1936. |
DISEASES. | NOTIFICATIONS. | Total all Ages. | Cases admitted to Hospital. | Total Deaths. | |||||||||||
At Ages—Years. | |||||||||||||||
Under 1 vear. | 1 and under 2. | 2 and under 3. | 3 and under 4. | 4 and under 5. | S and under 10. | 10 and under 15. | 15 and under 20. | 20 and under 35. | 35 and under 45. | 45 and under 65. | 65 and upwards. |
Diseases. | Notifications. | Deaths. | ||||||||||||||||||
Ward. | No Address. | Whole Borough. | Ward. | No Address. | Whole brough. | |||||||||||||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 1 | 8 |
Number. | Percentage of Births registered. | |||||||
North. | South-East. | South-west. | Whole Borough | North. | South-East. | South-west. | Whole Borough |
Name of Institution or Vaccination District. | Name of the Medical Officer or Public Vaccinator. | Nos. of Successful Primary Vaccinations of Persons. | No. of Successful Re-vaccinations, i.e., Successful Vaccination of Persons who had been Successfully Vaccinated at some previous time. | ||
Under one year of age. | One year and upwards. | Total. |
YEAR. | CASES. | DEATHS. | ||||||||||||||||
Quarter of the Year. | Total. | Under 1 year. | 1-5 years. | 5-15 years. | Adults. | Quarter of the Year. | Total. | Under 1 year. | 1-5 years. | 5-15 years. | Adults. | |||||||
1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th |
Disease. | No. of caaea. | No. of houaes. | No. of rooms contents disinfected or destroyed. | No. of rooms sprayed and fumigated. |
Infectious Disease. | Verminous. | |||
Destroyed. | Disinfected. | Destroyed. | Disinfected. |
Men. | Women. | Children under 15. | Total. |
Nature of Specimen. | Positive. | Negative. | Total. |
Age Periods. | New Cases. | Deaths. | ||||||
Pulmonary. | Non-Pulmonary. | Pulmonary. | Non-Pulmonary. | |||||
M. | F. | M. | F. | M. | F. | M. | F. |
Time of Notification. | PULMONARY. | NON-PULMONARY. | Total. | Percentage. | |||
Male. | Female. | Male. | Female. |
Age Periods. | Number of Notifications on Form A. | |||||||||||||
Primary Notifications. | Total Notifications (i.e.,including cases previously notified by other Doctors), | |||||||||||||
0 to 1 | l to 5 | 5 to 10 | 10 to '5 | '5 to 20 | 20 2- | 25 to 35 | 35 to 45 | 45 to 55 | 55 to 65 | 65 and upwards. | Total. |
Age Periods. | Information obtained from Special Death Reports, by Transfer from other districts, and by Posthumous Notifications. | ||||||||||||
0 to 1 | 1 to 5 | 5 to 10 | 10 to 15 | 15 to 20 | 20 to 25 | 25 to 35 | 35 to 45 | 45 to 55 | 55 to 65 | 65 and upwards. | Total. |
Year. | Estimated Population. | Notifications. | Deaths. | Notification Rate per 1000 population. | Death Kate per 1000 population. | ||||||||
Pulmonary. | Other forms. | All forms. | Pulmonary. | Other forms. | All forms. | Pulmonary. | Other forms. | All forms. | Pulmonary. | Other forms. | All forms. |
Ward. | New Cases. | Deaths. | ||
Number. | Kate per 1000 of Population. | Number. | Rate per 1000 of Population. |
Under 1 year. | 1—2 years. | 2 — 5 years. | 5—10 years. | 10—15 years. | 15—20 years. 1 | 20—25 years. | 25—35 years. | 35—45 years. | 45—55 years. | 55—65 years. | 65—75 years | 75 yrs. and up. | Wards. | No address. | To tal | Not in Institutions. | St. Pancras Hospitals. | Other London Hospitals. | Hospitals outside London | |||||||||||||||||||
St. Pancras Persons. | Ex St. Pancras Persons. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
I | II | III | IV | V | VI | VII | VIII | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
M | F | M | F | M | F | M | F | M | F | M | F | M | F | M | F | M | F | M | F |
Pulmonary. | Non-Pulmonary. | Total. |
Diagnosis. | Pulmonary. | Non-Pulmonary. | Total. | Grand Total. | |||||||||||
Adults. | Children. | Adults. | Children. | Adults. | Children. | ||||||||||
M. | F. | M. | F. | M. | F. | M. | F. | M. | F. | if. | F. |
Deaths from Tuberculosis Jan. 1st-Dec. 31st | Ratio of cases on dispensary register to capes on notification register | Number per 1,000 deaths from tuberculosis in the Borough | Total attendances per case on register | Tuber-culosis Officer's visits per case on register | Total consultations per case on register | Nurses' visits per case on register X-ray examinations | X-ray examinations | ||||||
Actual | Per 1,000 inhabitants | Definitely tuberculous persons on dispensary register | T.B. -f- cases on dispensary register | Examinations | per 100 new cases 2nd contacts | per 100 new cases | |||||||
New cases | Contacts | ||||||||||||
Adults | Children |
Number of visits under P h. (Tub.) regulations. | Number of visits for Dispenary purposes. | Total Visits |
Receipts | Paymets | ||||||||
1936. | £ | s. | d. | 1936. | £ | s. | d. |
Name of Centre. | Expectant Mothers. | Infants. | Children 2—5. |
Centre. | Attendances at Consultations. | Visits by Trainid Visitors. | Consultations | N umber of Visitor*. | |||||||||||||||||
Expectant Mothers. | Children. | Expectant Mothers. | Children. | Children. | Expectant Mothers. | ||||||||||||||||
No. of Birtii Notifications allocated to centre. | New cases. | Total attendances. | New cages. | Total attendances. | |||||||||||||||||
Under 1 year. | 1 -2 years. | 2 - 5 years. | Total. | Under 1 year. | 1-2 years. | 2 - 5 years. | Total. | First visits. | Total visits. | First visits. | Total visits. | Per month. | Total. | Per month. | Total. | Council Staff. | Others. |
Mothers. | Children. |
Work carried out at the Dental Clinic. | 1936. | 1935. |
1936. | 1935. |
Association. | Scheme expiring 31st March, 1937. | Scheme commencing 1st April, 1937. | |
Ampthill Squark. | Camden Town. | Cavehbham Road. | Queen's Crescent. | Somers Town. | South highgate. | Totals. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Bristow.¶ | Harrop. | Lynn. | Crockart.¶ | Blair. | Harris.* | Hunter.* | Smith. | Landel- Jones.¶ § | Bagnall. | Hunter.* | Harris.* | Reid. † | Herbert. || | George.† | Just.† | O'Leary.‡ | Chapman,¶ | Hunter.* | Harris * | Bruce. | Luice. | Manger.¶ | Anderson. | Blaxland. | Brown, A | Robinson. | Hunter.* | Harris.* |
Visit* to | 1932 | 1933 | 1934 | 1935 | 1936 |
Boys. | Girls. | |||||||||||||||
Entrants. | Age 7. | Age 11. | Age 14. | Entrants. | Age 7. | Age 11. | Age 14. |
Legitimate. | Illegitimate. | Total. |
Age Group. | Number examined. | Clothing and Boots. | Nutrition. | Cleanliness of Head. | Cleanliness of Body. | Teeth. | Vision. | |||||||||||||
Good. | Fair. | Poor. | Good. | Average. | Below normal. | Bad. | Clean. | N its. | Pediculi. | Clean. | Dirty. | Pediculi. | All sound. | Lens than four decayed. | Four or more decayed. | 6/6 in both eyes. | 6/9 in either or both eyes. | 6/12 or worse in either or both eyes. |
CAUSE OF DEATH. | AGE*. | DEATHS IN EACH WARD. | No Address. | Totals. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Under 1 week. | 1—2 weeks. | 2—3 weeks. | 3—4 weeks. | Total under 4 weeks. | 4 weeks and under 3 months. | 3—6 months. | 6—9 months. | 9—12 months. | Total Deaths under 1 year. | 1. | 2. | 3. | 4. | 5. | 6. | 7. | 8. | |||||||||||||
M | F | M | F | M | F | M | F | M | F | M | F | M | F | M | F | M | F | M | F |
CAUSES OF DEATH. | 1926 | 1927 | 1928 | 1929 | 1930 | 1931 | 1932 | 1933 | 1931 | 1935 | Average for 10 years. | 1936 |
Cases | Vision not Impaired. | Vision Impaired. | Total Blindness. | Deaths. | Incidence Rate per 1,000 Births. | District Nurse in Attendance provided by Borough Council. | Cases treated in Special Hospital provided by L.C.C. | |||
Treated | ||||||||||
Notified. | At Home. | In Hospital. |
FREE. | HALF-PRICE. | COST. | |||||
Month. | Pints. | +Lbs. (Dried Milk.) | Pints. | +Lbs. (Dried Milk.) | s. | d. |
Number in Family. | After Deduction of Rent. | |||||
Free. | Half-price. | |||||
£ | s. | d. | £ | s. | d. |
1936. | 1935. | 1934. |
Number of Days Open. | Attendances. | Average per Day. | No. of places for children under 5. |
Name and Situation. | Accommodation. | Average daily attendance. |
District Nursing Association. | Under the Maternity and Child Welfare Scheme. | Under the Influenzal Pneumonia Regulations. | Total Block Grant. |
District Nursing Association. | No. of cases. | No. of visits. | Average No. of visits per case. |
AGES. | CONDOTIONS. | WARDS. | |||||||||||||||||
15-20 years. | 20-25 years. | 25-30 years. | 30-35 years. | 35-40 years. | 40-45 years. | 45 years. | Married. | Single. | Widowed. | I. | II. | III. | IV. | V. | VI. | VII. | VIII. | No Address |
Institution. | Admitted as In-patients. | Attended at Home. | |
By Students. | By Midwives. |
£ | s. | d. |
Cause of Pyrexia. | Total no. cases notified. | Confinement. | Infant. | Mother. | ||||||||||
In Institution | At Home. | Living. | Dead Viable. | Non-Viable. | Primipara. | Unmarried. | Ante-natal attention. | Average Age. | Deaths. | |||||
Doctor. | Midwife. | Student. |
1936. | 1935. | 1934. | 1933. | 1932. | 1931. | 1930. | 1929. | 1928. |