London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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St Pancras 1923

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for St. Pancras, Metropolitan Borough]

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Deaths Registered from all Causes for the Year 1923— continued.

Cause of Death.AGES.
0 to 11 to 22 to 5Total under 515 to 1010 to 1515 to 2525 to 3535 to 4545 to 5555 to 6565 to 7575 to 8585 and upwardsTotals.
4. Diseases of the Respiratory System—con.
94. Pulmonary Congestion, Pulmonary Apoplexy111136291-917
95. Gangrene of the Lung111
96. Asthma111111246
97. Pulmonary Emphysema111
98. (a) Fibroid Disease of the Lung111
(b) Other Diseases of the Respiratory
5. Diseases of the Digestive System.
99. (a) Diseases of the Teeth and Gums
(b) Other Diseases of the Mouth and Annexa
100. Diseases of Pharynx, Tonsillitis
101. Diseases of Œsophagus1—_11
102. Perforating Ulcer of Stomach131135113212921
103. (a) Inflammation of Stomach1113235
(b) Other Diseases of Stomach111—_1314
104 & 105. (a) Infective Enteritis343646410
(b) Diarrhoea (not returned as infective)2124—_—1257
(e) Enteritis (not returned as infective)3113211111117512
(d) Gastro-Enteritis (not returned as infective)14122316151161632
(e) Dyspepsia (under 2 years of age)
(f) Colic
(g) Ulceration of Intestines31314
(h) Duodenal Ulcer2133
106. Ankylostomiasis
107. Other Intestinal Parasites
108. Appendicitis1111—_1111167
109. (a) Hernia11—_—121224131114
(b) Intestinal Obstruction11112211111125914
110. Other Diseases of the Intestines11—_1—_211336
111. Acute Yellow Atrophy of Liver1—_—11
112. Hydatid of Liver—_
113. (a) Cirrhosis of the Liver (not returned as alcoholic)2261119413
(b) Cirrhosis of the Liver (returned as alcoholic)111123
(c) Diseases formerly classed to "Other Diseases of Liver and Gall Bladder"
114. Biliary Calculi1233
115. Other Diseases of the Liver11111235
116. Diseases of the Spleen
117. Peritonitis (cause unstated)33112188
118. Other Diseases of the Digestive System111
6. Non-Venereal Diseases of the Genito-Urinary System and Annexa-
119. Acute Nephritis1111111111549
120. Bright's Disease112345449977671333770
121. Chyluria
122. Other Diseases of the Kidney and Annexa111
123. Calculi of the Urinary Passages111
124. Diseases of the Bladder11415
125. Diseases of the Urethra, Urinary Abscess, &c.12155
126. Diseases of the Prostate—_3221313
127. Non-Venereal Diseases of Male Genital Organs263
128. Uterine Haemorrhage (Non-puerperal)
129. Uterine Tumour (Non-cancerous)—_
130. Other Diseases of the Uterus—_—_111
131. Ovarian Cyst, Tumour (Non-Cancerous)—__11133
132. Other Diseases of the Female Genital Organs
133. Non-puerperal Diseases of the Breast (Non-cancerous)