London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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St Pancras 1923

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for St. Pancras, Metropolitan Borough]

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Deaths Registered from all Causes for the Year 1923—continued.

Cause ofDeath.ages.
0 to 11 to 22 to 5Total under 5ft to 1010 to 1515 to 2525 to 3535 to 4545 to 5555 to 6565 to 7575 to 8585 and upwardsTotals.
1. General Diseases—con.
50. Diabetes111221313151116
51. ExophthalmicGoitre11—_22
52. Addison's Disease111
53. LeucocythæmiaLymphadenoma11111111437
54. Anaemia, Chlorosis1112121369
55. (a) Diabetesinsipidus111
(c) Hæmophilia11_2
(d) Other GeneralDiseases121246
56. Alcoholism (acuteorchronic)111
57. (a) OccupationalLeadPoisoning
(b) Non-occupationalLeadPoisoning
58. OtherChronicOccupationalPoisonings
59. OtherChronicPoisonings
2. Diseases of the Nervous System and of the Organs of Special Sense.
60. (a) EncephalitisLethargica11112
(b) Encephalitis, otherforms111123
61. (a) CerebrospinalFever22
(b) PosteriorBasalMeningitis———1—_—_—_11
(c) Meningitis, otherforms132516
62. LocomotorAtaxy113166
63. (a) AnteriorPoliomyelitis...—:
(b) OtherDiseases of the SpinalCord1113231119113
61 CerebralHaemorrhage, Apoplexy1233111419129124414690
65. SofteningofBrain111
66. Paralysis without specifiedcause17243211111415
67. GeneralParalysisof the Insane151311—:11212
68. OtherformsofMentalAlienation11112
69. Epilepsy111111628
70. Convulsions (Non-puerperal; 5 yearsand over)
71. InfantileConvulsions (under 5 years)41261617
72. Chorea1—-11
73. Hysteria, Neuralgia, Neuritis
74. OtherDiseasesoftheNervous System11112211119211
75. Diseasesof the Eyes andAnnexa111
76. (a) Mastoid Disease11—_—112
(b) OtherDiseasesof the Ears11111211167
3. Diseases of the Circulatory System.
77. Pericarditis1112
78. AcuteMyocarditisandEndocarditis3322331211920
79. (a) ValvularDisease1111212423116915121851424565110
(6) FattyDegenerationof the Heart244163132131427
80, AnginaPectoris311415
81. (a)Aneurysm1216121112315
(c) OtherDiseasesofArteries111
82. (a) Cerebral Embolismand Thrombosis1113144231121622
83. Diseasesof the Veins (Varices, Haemorrhoids Phlebitis, etc.)111
84. (a)StatusLymphaticus111211224
(b) OtherDiseasesof the Lymphati System
85. Haemorrhage; other Diseases of the Circu latory System11-1144
4. Diseases of the Respiratory System.
86. Diseasesof the NasalFossae111
87. Diseasesof the Larynx1121_22
88. DiseasesoftheThyroidBody111
89 & 90. Bronchitis6612229101212104221934383318911119104223
91. Broncho-Pneumonia191597622342411122624351123115647103
92. (a)LobarPneumonia13411145231941333311445
(b)Pneumonia (type not stated)1242155212138554424341953
93. Pleurisy11321188