London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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St Pancras 1923

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for St. Pancras, Metropolitan Borough]

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Deaths Registered from all Causes for the Year 1923—continued.

Cause of Death.AGES.
0 to 11 to 22to 5Total under 55 to 1010 to 1515 to 2525 to 3535 to 4545 to 5555 to 6565 to 7575 to8585 and upwardsTotals.
7. The Puerperal State.
134. Accidents of Pregnancy111
135. Puerperal Haemorrhage1_11
136. Other Accidents of Childbirth_
137. Puerperal Fever522_99
138. ,, Albuminuria and Convulsions_
139. ,, Phlegmasia Alba Dolens, Embolism and sudden death1—_11
140. „ Insanity
141. ,, Diseases of the Breast—-——
8. Diseases of the Skin and of the Cellular Tissue.
142. (a) Senile Gangrene1112145
(b) Gangrene (othe types)
143, Carbuncle, Boil1—-111144
144. Phlegmon, Acute Abscess————
145. Diseases of the Integumentary System112—!_11—_314
9. Diseases of the Bones and of the Organs of Locomotion.
14(5. Diseases of the Bones1—_1112
147. Diseases of the Joints—1""111213
148. Amputations———-_
149. Other Diseases of Locomotor System
10. Malformations.
150. Congenital Malformations16111611171128
11. Diseases of Early Infancy.
151. (a) Premature Birth40304030—_—_—_103070
(b) Infantile Debility, Icterus, anc Sclerema15615615621
152. Other Diseases peculiar to early Infancy7878—_—_1_7815
153. Lack of Care1
12. Old Age.
154. (a) Senile Dementia1—_1213
(6) Senile Decay—-4211816171314444185
13. Affections Produced by External Causes. 155 to 163. Suicides1132636331212231134
164. Poisoning by Food111
165. Other Acute Poisonings
166. Conflagration1122
167. Burns (Conflagration excepted)21—-1311—:_1426
168. Absorption of Deleterious Gases (Conflagration excepted)111133
169. Accidental Drowning1111111318210
170 to 176. Injuries552332164231535331649
177. Starvation
178. Excessive Cold—_
179. Effects of Heat111
180. Lightning
181. Electricity (Lightning excepted)—_
182 to 184 Homicide12333
185. Fractures (cause not specified)
186. Other Violence11144
14. Ill-defined Causes.
187. Dropsy—'_
188. (a) Syncope (aged 1 year and under 70)—!
(6) Sudden death (not otherwise defined
189. (a) Heart Failure (aged 1 year and under 70)
(b) Atrophy, Debility, Marasmus (aged 1 year and under 70)
(c) Teething
(d) Pyrexia
(e) Other ill-defined Deaths
(f) Cause not specified