London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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St Pancras 1923

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for St. Pancras, Metropolitan Borough]

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Table No.2.Deaths Registered from all Causes for the Year 1923.

Note.—The Deaths of Non-Residents occurring in Public Institutions situated in the Borough are excluded, and the DeathsofResidents occurring in Public Institutions situated beyond the limits of the Borough are included.

Cause of Death.ages.
0 to 11 to 22 to 5Total under 55 to 1010 to 1515 to 2525 to 3535 to 4545 to 5555 to 6565 to 7575 to 8585 and upwards.Totals.
1.—General Diseases.
1. Enteric Fever111__123
2. Typhus Fever
3. Relapsing Fever
4. Malaria
5. Small Pox— (a) Vaccinated
(b) Not Vaccinated—-
(c) Doubtful
6. Measles121132325
7. Scarlet Fever1111123
8. Whooping Cough265; 92; 3918191928
9, (a) Diphtheria36366341101020
(b) Croup
10. Influenza111112141311413111324
11. Miliary Fever
12. Asiatic Cholera
13. Cholera Nostras:—
14. Dysentery111
15. Plague
16. Yellow Fever
17. Leprosy
18. Erysipelas11211224
19. (a) Mumps
(b) German Measles
(c) Varicella
(d) Other Epidemic Diseases
20. (a) Pyæmia
(b) Septicæmia1111111347
(c) Vaccinia
21. Glanders
22. Anthrax (Splenic Fever)
23. Rabies
24. Tetanus
25. Mycoses
26. Pellagra
27. Beri-beri
28. (a) Pulmonary Tuberculosis111131715322127143912136613572207
(b) Phthisis (not defined as tuberculous)21—:——224
29. (a) Acute Phthisis112—:1111268
(b) Acube Miliary Tuberculosis212111415
30. Tuberculous Meningitis22223377231111121123
31. (a) Tabes Mesenterica—_
(b) Other peritoneal & intestinal tubercle111122121114711
32. Tuberculosis of Spinal Column1211325
33. Tuberculosis of Joints111213
34. (a) Lupus—:
(b) Scrofula
(c) Tuberculosis of other Organs—_—1122
35- Disseminated Tuberculosis111—:11314
36. Rickets, Softening of Bones11
37. Syphilis55111718
38. Other Venereal Diseases111
39. Cancer of the Buccal Cavity2101119423
40. Stomach, Liver, &c.—;611041692014161573592
41. „ Peritoneum, Intestines, and Rectum21128591128221252954
42. „ Female Genital Organs24122313333
43. ,, Breast291491513940
41. ,, Skin111314
45. Cancer of other or unspecified Organs13941951961541973
46. Other Tumours (situation undefined)111123
47. Rheumatic Fever1111268
48. (a) Chronic Rheumatism111
(b) Osteo-Arthritis11122_167
(c) Gout1112
49. Sourvy