Hints from the Health Department. Leaflet from the archive of the Society of Medical Officers of Health. Credit: Wellcome Collection, London
[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for St. Pancras, Metropolitan Borough]
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South Highgate Mothers' and Infants' Welfare Centre, Chester Road, N. 19.—
Is held in rooms provided by the Council at the Public Library, Chester Road. In May the
work was increased by the Council's Assistant Medical Officer taking a second infant consultation
at the same time as Dr. Neill's infant consultation, and in June the appointment of the
superintendent Miss K. L. Allfrey was converted to full-time. The premises being available
only on one afternoon a week are not convenient for the work of the centre, and better
accommodation is badly needed.
Mary Ward (formerly Passmore Edwards) Settlement School for Mothers,
Tavisiock Place, W.C. 1.—Is held in the Settlement Premises, no rent being paid. Holborn
cases are also dealt with, but the St. Pancras cases are in the majority. In March the appointment.
of the superintendent, MissiM. Templeton, was converted to full-time, and in November
a third weekly infant consultation was undertaken by Dr. Leney.
Camden Town Mothers' and Infants' Welfare Centre. 62, Camden Road, N.W. 1.
The centre was moved to this address in August from the part-time premises at St. Michael's
Mission Building, Greenland Street. The new centre is a full-time suite of rooms in the
house occupied by the Central St. Pancras District Nursing Association, and the inclusive rent
is paid by the Council. An additional weekly infant consultation was undertaken in May by
the Council's Assistant Medical Officer, who also took over the ante-natal consultations, and a
fourth weekly infant consultation was started in November, Dr. M. R. Paterson being
appointed for the purpose. The health-visiting staff was increased to 3 in November by the
appointments of Miss L. Auger and Miss M. L. Blair as assistants.
The Argyle Square Group of Centres.—This consists of three centres: —
4O, Argyle Square, W.C. 1.—The greater part of this house is used exclusively for
the purposes of the centre. and the Council repay a proportionate part of
the rent, rates, and taxes.
Oseney Crescent Centre.—This is held in part-time premises at the Crescent Club,
Busby Place, Oseney Crescent, N.W. 5, the rent being paid by the Council.
It was opened in January.
Wesleyan Schoolroom, Falkland Road, N. W. 5. These premises are used part-time,
the rent being paid by the Council.
At these centres Dr. Cockerell holds two weekly consultations for babies, three monthly
consultations for older children (2 for children between 1 and 2, and one for children between
2 and 5), and four ante-natal consultations per month. In addition Dr. Margaret Alden
holds a weeklydnfant consultation, but is not paid by the Council. On account of the opening
of the additional centre the staff of paid visitors was increased to 3 by the appointment of
Miss F. T. Peacock in May. Miss P. Campbell was appointed in February in place of Miss
Donnell, resigned, and Miss A. Kennedy in April, in place of Miss Campbell, resigned.
Maternity Nursing Association, Oakley Square, N.W. 1—This Institution holds
ante-natal and infant consultations in connection with its maternity work. They take place
at the St. Pancras Dispensary, 39, Oakley Square, the Council paying the rental for the use
of the rooms. In November a second weekly infant consultation was undertaken by Dr.
Provis. The Superintendent, Miss M. Andrews, resigned in November, but continued in
office to the end of the year.
University College Hospital, Gower Street, W.C. 1.—The consultations here
arc restricted mainly to infants who are actually ailing. Mothers attended in their