London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Lambeth 1971

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Lambeth Borough]

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During the year the Council was not requested by the hospitals to adapt
any premises for installation of Home Dialysis units, so that the number of
persons in the Borough carrying out such treatment remained at four.
In July one person, who owned the property in which he lived, moved
out of the borough but it was not possible to make use of the premises for
another patient.
At the end of the year another, living in Council property, died, and
arrangements were made for a patient from a local hospital to take over the
letting, although such arrangements were not finalised until early into 1972.
I am indebted to the Director of Civil Engineering and Public Services for
supplying me with the following information with regard to sewers within the
Some £100,000 has been spent on general maintenance of the Council's
sewers. This includes flushing, cleansing and minor repairs. Contractors have
been employed for the works of jetting, winching and television inspection.
The works at Loughborough Park which I outlined in my report to you
of the 7th May, 1971, were completed in August 1971.
During the year the sewers in parts of Baldry Gardens, Braxted Park,
Copley Road and Streatham Common South Side were relaid at a cost of
£80,000. The sewers were in a poor structural condition and generally
In connection with the redevelopment of Myatts Field South Housing
Scheme Phases 1,2,3 and 7, it was necessary to abandon certain lengths of
public sewers and to provide a new network at an estimated cost of £78,000.
The works were commenced in September, 1971, but will not be completed
until this summer.
A new length of public sewer was laid in St. Faith's Road from September
1971 to January 1972 at a cost of £14,000 to provide an outfall from the
Peabody Trust's Development at Knight's Hill. The work was paid for by the