Hints from the Health Department. Leaflet from the archive of the Society of Medical Officers of Health. Credit: Wellcome Collection, London
[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Islington Borough]
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Smell Nuisance
Having regard to a complaint received to the effect that a fish lorry parked outside
a house in the borough between the hours of 4 30 and 5.0 a.m. was causing a nuisance by
water pouring from the lorry which smelled highly of fish, and which smell continued after
the lorry had gone, resulting in the street swarming with flies, the Committee approved
two Inspectors being engaged on night duty, in order that a personal investigation could be
made into this complaint The inspection was carried out during a very warm night the
minimum temperature being 59°F. It was observed that the lorry in question arrived from
North Shields at 4.50 a.m. laden with fish boxes The driver was given a cup of tea by the
occupier of the house and the lorry left at 5.12 a.m., heading towards the City Although
melting ice from the lorry left a stream of water in the street gutter no nuisance was
caused at the time of inspection There was a very slight fishy smell but this was in no way
offensive. It would appear that the lorry driver made a normal stop for refreshment, as no
doubt he does on the main trunk roads from North Shields There was no evidence that flies
were attracted to this particular area
Public Health (London) Act, 1936 - Section 121.
Protection of Birds Act, 1934.
Pigeon Nuisances.
The congregating of ownerless pigeons continues to be the subject of complaints from
residents in the vicinity of the areas concerned The Council renewed the authority previously
given to a pigeon catcher to operate in the Borough for the year under review and engaged him
to treat a number of premises and areas including one school and five residential areas.
Public Health (London) Act, 1936 (Part IV).
Offensive Trades.
Details of the respective offensive trades in the Borough are as follows -
(a) 2 Tripe Boilers
14/18 Market Road, Messrs J L Henson (Wholesale) Ltd
22/24 Vale Royal Messrs Edmund Martin Ltd
(b) 1 Knacker
18/20 Vale Royal - Messrs Harrison Barber & Co Ltd
(c) 1 Fur Skin Dresser
24 Bracey Street - Messrs J & A Fischer Ltd
(d) 6 Gut Scrapers
3 Old Slaughterhouses - Casings Ltd
12 Old Slaughterhouses - Universal Casings Co Ltd
13 Old Slaughterhouses - Messrs Armour & Co Ltd
15 Old Slaughterhouses - Messrs Wm Meniies Ltd
5 Tileyard Road Messrs C Edwards & Son. Ltd
Tileyard Road - Messrs Tracey & Co Ltd
( e) 1 Fat Melter:
16 Old Slaughterhouses - Messrs Wm Meniies Ltd
(f) 1 Slaughterer
180 York Way - Messrs Harrison Barber & Co Ltd
This slaughterhouse was the subject of 313 inspections or visits including
visits for the inspection of meat.
(g) The Council approved the issue of a licence under Section 145 in respect of the
receiving of carcasses of dead horses for human consumption at:-
14/16 Vale Royal Messrs Harrison Barber & Co. Ltd.