London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Greenwich 1961

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Greenwich Borough]

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(3)Non-tuberculous cases:
(a) investigated30131
(b) still under investigation
(4)Cardio-vascular lesions1313
(5)Abnormalities requiring no action1651166

Verminous Conditions.—The procedure adopted to combat
infestation by lice and general verminous conditions is essentially
the same.
In addition to the notified cases of Scabies, all suspected cases
are followed up and the homes visited by the Lady Public Health
Inspector who gives advice and instruction concerning treatment.

Treatment for all cases is carried out at the Tunnel Avenue Cleansing Station and the following Return summarises the work carried out during the year:—

Children under school age197
School children5717
No. of home visits by Lady Public Health Inspector27
No. of home revisits by Lady Public Health Inspector51

Disinfection.—The disinfection of rooms is effected by the
formaldehyde spray. This is carried out on removal of the infectious
case or termination of the illness, and, on request, for conditions
other than notifiable. In cases of request a charge is made according
to the circumstances of the case. Bedding and wearing apparel
can be removed to the Disinfecting Station, Tunnel Avenue, where
they can be submitted to steam disinfection. Books may be
treated with formalin.
The following Return shows in detail the work carried out
during the year:—