Hints from the Health Department. Leaflet from the archive of the Society of Medical Officers of Health. Credit: Wellcome Collection, London
Report on the sanitary condition of the Borough of Bermondsey for the year 1915
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In Table III. of Appendix will be found particulars of infectious
diseases notified during the year under report.
The number of cases notified, exclusive of notifications of
tuberculosis, which numbered 452, was 930, compared with 950
in 1914 and 1,193 in 1913. All the diseases show a decrease on the
number for the previous year, with the exception of diphtheria,
enteric and cerebro-spinal meningitis, which show an increase of
11, 13 and 15 respectively. The number of cases notified in the
registration sub-districts was 635 in Bermondsey, against 641 in
1914, 236 in Rotherhithe, against 261, and 41 in St. Olave, against
48 in 1914.
The attack-rate per thousand inhabitants was 7.6, the rate
for the sub-districts being 8.2 for Bermondsey, 7.3 for Rotherhithe,
and 5.2 for St. Olave. The corresponding rates in the previous
year were 9.6 for the Borough, 7.8 for Bermondsey, 7.7 for Rotherhithe
and 5.8 for St. Olave.
38 cases were returned from hospital as not suffering from the
disease for which they were notified, but if allowance is made for
mild unreported cases, the recorded notifications would, if anything,
understate the actual number of cases.
No case of Small-pox was notified formally during the year
1915, but we received an informal notification from the Port Medical
Officer of Health, Plymouth, that F. H., of Abbey Buildings,
Steward on board the S/S "Umtata," was suffering from small-pox
contracted abroad. On investigation, however, this turned out
to be incorrect as the person who was suffering gave the above name
and address belonging to a friend who resided in Bermondsey,
and who was known to be in good health at the time. No further
news was heard of the case.