London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Bermondsey 1915

Report on the sanitary condition of the Borough of Bermondsey for the year 1915

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134 deaths were attributed to this cause. The Cancer Research
Commission have not yet issued their final report on the subject.
Heart Diseases.
205 deaths were due to this cause, which number is 17 above
that for the previous year. This refers to organic or valvular
disease of the heart.
13 persons committed suicide in 1915, viz., 4 by poison, 4 by
hanging or strangulation, 2 by drowning, 2 by cutting or piercing
instruments, and 1 by jumping from high place.
108 deaths were due to accidents, against 88 in the previous
year. Particulars will be found in the extended table of the Causes of
Death in the Appendix.
Other Violent Causes.
There was 1 death by homicide during the year under report.
There were also 2 deaths caused by air raids, 1 of which took place in
the City of London.