London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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City of London 1900

Report on the proceedings of the Public Health (Sanitary) Department of the Corporation of London during the year 1900

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The first hearing took place on the 19th April,
1900, with the result of an adjournment for 28
days; again on the 17th May, when the case was
adjourned for 14 days; again on the 31st May,
when it was adjourned for 28 days; again on
the 28th June, when there was another 14 days
adjournment; and finally on the 12th July,
when the case was dismissed on the defendants
undertaking to provide the whole of the boilers
with the same make of smoke-consuming arrangement
which had been experimentally tried on
one furnace.
On the 27th September, 1900, the Manager
of the Cold Air Stores, Leadenhall Market, was
summoned at the Mansion House Justice Room
for causing a smoke nuisance at the premises
under his charge. The case being fully proved,
the Court made an order for the abatement of
the nuisance within seven days, and imposed ten
shillings costs.