London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Southwark 1924

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Southwark, Borough of]

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No. 2 District.
House to house inspections were carried out in the following
St. Gabriel street, Gurney street, Elsted street, Halpin place,
Kingston street, Brandon street, Beckway street, East street, Larissa
street, Chatham street, Eodney road, Barlow street, Causeway place,
Flint street, Lamlash street, Alvey house, Townley street, Goschen
street, Horsman street, Burman street, Deacon street, Huntsman street,
Tatum street, Innis place, Nebraska street.
Daring the year 395 inspections and 1,564 re-visits were made of
the various registered houses by the several Inspectors.
319 intimation and 180 statutory notices were served. 292 sanitary
works were carried out.
The following Nuisances have been abated:—
Blocked drains ustopped 11
Closet apparatus reinstated 20
Yards paved or paving amended 20
New closet pans provided 3
Roofs repaired 76
New dustbins provided 38
Foul rooms cleansed 858
Cases of overcrowding abated 1
Miscellaneous nuisances (other than those above
specified) abated 451

Table showing the locality (in Wards) of the Houses Let in Lodgings on the Register at the end of 1924.

St. MarySt. PaulSt. PeterSt. JohnTrinityAll Saints'St. MichaelSt. JudeSt. GeorgeChristchurchSt. Saviour
Number of Houses upon the Register at the end of 1923354832485712833579349111801302
Number of Houses placed upon the [ Register during the year 1924
Number of Houses removed from the Register during the year 192482230
Total number of) Registered Houses at end of 192435483248571203357934989801272