London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Islington 1907

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Islington, Metropolitan Borough of]

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Butchers' Shops, Stalls, etc. (Saturday nights) 6,240
Ice Cream Shops and Factories 242
Dairies and Milkshops 2,145
Stables and Yards 5,567
Manure Depots 67
Workshops—re Drains 411
Certificates under the Customs and Inland
Revenue Acts 95
Water Certificates 90
Visits—re Samples of Food and Drugs under the
Sale of Food and Drugs Acts 582
Registered Lodging Houses 8
Smoke observations 825
Notices Served.—3,456 intimations with respect to nuisances were
served by the inspectors, of which 3,338 were delivered personally and 118 by
post. In 253 instances it became necessary to serve, by order of the Public
Health Committee, statutory notices, of which 91 were served personally and
162 by registered post.
Improvements Effected.—The subjoined list of the principal
nuisances abated speaks for itself as to the character and utility of the work
that has been carried out. It contrasts favourably with the record of previous
Dirty 509
Damp 180
Out of Repair 187
Water Closets.
Foul 516
Without water supply 226
With deficient water supply 182
Improperly constructed 515
Defective 348
Stopped 101
Improperly situated 28
Insufficient external ventilation 49
Insufficient in number 64