London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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West Ham 1913

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for West Ham]

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by special Teachers, trained in Hospital Work and Child
No action was taken on this resolution.
Conference I. —Municipal Representatives.
"That the Council of The Royal Sanitary Institute be asked to
undertake the organisation of Health Week, in order that the
movement may be conducted on sound lines."
In consideration of the opinion expressed the Council decided to
appoint a General Committee, and to give it assistance in carrying
on the organisation of Health Week for the year 1914.
Conference IV.—Veterinary Inspectors.
" That the Council of The Royal Sanitary Institute be recommended
to bring under the notice of the proper authorities the opinion
of this Congress that all private Slaughter Houses should be
abolished, and that a Public Abattoir should be established in
every Sanitary District, or in the case of small districts, in
groups of Sanitary districts; and that all meat should be
inspected on behalf of the Local Sanitary Authority."
It was decided to publish this resolution in the Journal in order
to bring it under the notice of Public Authorities.
Conference V.—Sanitary Inspectors.
"That the Council of The Royal Sanitary Institute be recommended
to call the attention of the Local Government Board to the
great need for consolidation of the Health Laws, thus obviating
the confusion and overlapping which now exists."