Hints from the Health Department. Leaflet from the archive of the Society of Medical Officers of Health. Credit: Wellcome Collection, London
[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Surbiton]
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February, 1911.
To the Medical Officer of Health.
I beg to present to you my Fifteenth Annual
Report for the year ending December 31st, 1910,
showing the action taken and the work done in the
abatement of nuisances under the provisions of
the Public Health Acts, the Factory and Workshop
Act, 1901, and the Bye-laws and Regulations
in force in the District.
Summary of Work Done.
Number of Houses and Premises Inspected | 242 |
„ House and Premises re-inspected | 604 |
„ Miscellaneous Visits | 193 |
„ Visits to Works in progress | 2,449 |
„ „ Bakehouses | 48 |
„ „ Slaughter-houses | 74 |
„ „ Dairies, Cow-sheds & Milkshops | 86 |
„ „ Factories | 6 |
„ „ Workshops | 43 |
„ „ Homeworkers' Premises | 10 |
„ „ re cases of Infectious Disease | 84 |
„ Drains examined under Section 41 of the Public Health Act, 1875 | 30 |
„ Drains tested with Water | 273 |
„ „ „ „ Smoke or Air | 284 |
„ „ „ „ Chemical | 4 |