London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Surbiton 1910

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Surbiton]

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year's work drawn up by Mr. Nesfield. It represents
not only a great deal of work, but an ever
increasing amount, brought about largely by the
numerous Acts and Local Government Board
Orders that have been issued. I willingly testify
to his worth as a most efficient officer, and my
thanks are due to him for his courtesy and
thoroughness under all circumstances. Also I
wish to express my obligations to all the other
officers of the Council for their kindly consideration
and co-operation on all occasions, for in the
course of my multifarious duties I come in contact
from time to time with them all.
I am,
Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen,
Yours obediently,
Owen Coleman, M.D., D.P.H.,
Medical Officer of Health.
31s£ March, 1911.