London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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St James's 1893

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for St James's, Westminster]

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Supplemental Report of Works
executed by the
Vestry of St. James, Westminster,
Vestry Hall, Piccadilly, W.,
Surveyor's Department,
June, 1894.
To the Vestry of St. James, Westminster.
Rev. Sir, My Lord, and Gentlemen,
I beg to submit the following statement of Works,
executed between the 26th March, 1893, and the 25th
March, 1894.
During the past year 178 tons 18 cwt. 1 qr. of granite
supplied by Messrs. J. Mowlem and Co., of Westminster,
were used upon the parish roads.
Nineteen thousand seven hundred and forty-three superficial
yards of road surface have been rolled and consolidated
by the 10-ton steam roller.