London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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St James's 1887

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for St James's, Westminster]

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On the 25th March, 1888, the number of lamps was 778,
showing an increase of 7 in the twelve months ; the proportion
of different lamps is now 457 cannel gas street lamps,
294 common gas street lamps, 4 urinal lamps, and 23 refuge
lamps. The ordinary street lamps are lighted, extinguished,
cleaned, and maintained by the Gas Company under an
arrangement with the Vestry; the agreed sum for the
greater part of last year was £2 7s. 7d. per annum each,
either for cannel or common gas, 2½ft. of cannel gas being
supplied per lamp per hour, and 3ft. of common gas. Larger
street lamps are charged for at a proportionate price, but as
regards the refuge lamps, payment is made according to the
consumption of gas as registered by meter. The total cost
of street lighting for the past year amounted to £2,325 10s. 6d.
as compared with £2,433 12s. 9d. for the previous twelve
months. This sum is exclusive of new lamp-posts, lanterns
and fittings, which cost a further sum of £400 17s. 2d.
The demand for better lighting in various parts of the
Parish has engaged the attention of the Vestry on many
occasions throughout the year. In the month of February,
however, the Vestry considered the question in a more
exhaustive manner, and taking advantage of a large reduction
in the price of gas, determined to increase the consumption of
gas in the street lamps generally, and thus to avoid a recurrence
of exceptional applications, by placing all streets on
practically the same basis as regards lighting. Two years
previously, the consumption of gas in the Regent Street
lamps had been increased from 2½ft. to 4ft. of cannel gas per
lamp per hour, and the improvement obtained by this additional
outlay was so marked, that this consumption has been
taken as the basis for the streets generally. The number of
street lamps now altered is 582, and the cost of this additional
lighting to the parishioners may be stated as follows: