London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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St George (Southwark) 1876

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Southwark]

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The /.Toate ciasa are the moat important Jnmn lo whiall ktwMtly ia liable.
ii« ckincMml by lhe*r MimMltiy, tW hlatity, and iW pvwUbilily.
T1m» death* wfand lo theai ivabMtJ U1 TWy *U*4 *1 the head of tho > U»
r*«r«rd» the rale of morality. A!toe thorn com* lang dn sasss (aol iaoladtag t^oeamf*
lima thoee of tlm brain a ad amM, and lastly tho labervalar.
iMalh* from measlre thawed * decline from the another relaraed ia 1175—6, fro*
lo 11; scarlet f*m front 71 to 14; whooping-cough from 11 to 19 ; diarrhtae frua (
11; aad fever from 11 to 11. The only diieaae of thia ciaae of which the death rata
imimd, t* mall.pnx. Daring the year 1171—4 there waa regielered oao death j
daring the yean 1174—1, l!7lr-l not one death wa* registered. la the year aov es
there stand recorded 21 death*, not including thoeo who died ia tho UuojMtala.
Kptdemice generally point out sanitary neglect somewhere. Thia aot n err marl) I
the Authoritiea, but often from the apathy, prejudice, and ignorance of the people
are now suffering from ooe arising mainly from these latter eouroea. Small pus other-1
would have only dwelt in our metnoriee, instead of beiag m«l with face to face in I
dwelling*. So expense need bare be«n incurred, nor alarm spread, nor aeeda of prenta I
death planted, nor facea " speckled with pock-holee " met with, nor widowera, nor widnor orphana made, nor grate* filled up, from auch a cause. Power has booa given a I
prevent thi* disease; we have not exercised that power, and we must now beaf
inevitable consequence*.
By the manner amall-pox ia spoken of, by a vary few, but by a very active sad a*
portion of the community, we might be led lo aappoee that thia disease was one of tho a
mild, and least fatal of all disease*, and that producod by vaccination the most foal, ft.
and fatal. If that which was not true could prevail, and that which waa true fail, then
might fear tho extinction of small-pox wonld never come lo pane. We hear much of |»
from vaccination entering the blood, injuring the system, and giving risa among other e»
to eruption* on th* skin. What of Ui* poison from email-pox entering the blood, >le*ftr
ing boaaty, health, and life ? Do we hear of the practice of vaccination killing hualrw
week, and leaving happy self-sustaining farnili**, deeolalo and helpleeaf Do we me«t a
the blind turning up their eight lees eyeballs aad fealiag along their darkeaed patkw
from this operation? No comparison exial* ; none ran poeaibly bo made, yet If it 4
happen that aay ailment followed from thia caase, or impaled caaso, how maeh ia mat*
it. Aa if akin and other diseaa* did aot oftoa follow sltacka from mraalr*. srarlet I*
aad varwue other disease «, which produce a change aad perturbation ia the eyst*
••peci«lly of children. Yet how exceedingly *a4dom tmoag the huadreda o# ihoaaai
vamaaled doe* aay avil whatever maaifeat itself. Many thing* however, are «o*k<
together ia favour of vaccination. There are the discomfort aad lacoaveaieaaa wk
accompaaiea the preeeace of small pox, the demand made for isolation, the secrecy aeei
to bo matalaiaed laat lajary should follow to baalaeen, compuleory tdlsa.aa aad lese
wagee, the severance of all aortal fellowships the avoidance of the neighborhood, 1
e I prase and troablo Involved to landlord aad teaaal from aUaaeteg sal duinfe**ln£ a

TABLE No. 4.

Quarter ending June495256
Quarter ending September477259
Quarter ending December554325
Quarter ending March572333

TABLE No. 5.

First QuarterSecond QuarterThird QuarterFourth QuarterFirst QuarterSecond QuarterThird QuarterFourth QuarterFirst QuarterSecond QuarterThird QuarterFourth QoatUtFirst Quarter ,Second QuarterThird QuarterFourth QuarterFirst QuarterSecond QuarterThird Quarterfourth Quarter