London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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St Giles (Camberwell) 1876

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Camberwell]

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into Stabling, Loose Boxes, Fodder Stores, etc.
Also Cart Sheds have been erected, and Paving the
Yards has been executed.
As a commencement, Fifty Horses are now
employed in the work, with the necessary Water
Vans, Water, Slop, and Material Carts, and all other
It has been the desire of the Committee to keep
down the "purchasing" expenses as low as possible,
consistent with efficient working. The Plant, Staff,
Supervision, etc., was completed in sufficient time to
commence operations at Lady-day last, and it is
gratifying to announce that at the present time all is
working most satisfactorily.
Your Committee believe that the course adopted
is the proper one, so that the work of the Vestry may
be done in an orderly and efficient manner. Experience
will, no doubt, point out many improvements
yet to be effected, which your Committee will most
vigilantly watch for in the interests of the Ratepayers.