London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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St Giles (Camberwell) 1876

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Camberwell]

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Also, the difference in the number of Horses
(at least 25) between the requirements of the summer
and winter seasons must be entertained, as regards
the cost of keep, the staff of drivers, &c., &c. In
this Report the estimate is for the average number of
50 only.
A special advantage may be anticipated in respect
of cost, viz., that on the occasion of a heavy
fall of snow, the Horses, Carts, &c., provided for
winter use (35) can be at once utilised for this purpose;
and this number can be supplemented from
other sources under the Vestry's control, which will
give 47 (at least) applicable for emergent use in
clearing away snow from our public thoroughfares.
Snow remova
The question of Slop Shoots, so as to economically
dispose of the horse power, is one which must
receive serious attention, and I may here premise
that, although this Parish is at present favourably
situated in this respect, in a few years altered circumstances
as regards Slop Shoots will considerably
affect the cost of the Slop removal.
Slop shoots
The Repairs of the Water Vans, Carts, etc.
also perhaps (eventually) the Shoeing of the Horses,
Repairs of Vac
Shoes, &c.