London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Hackney 1935

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Hackney]

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(d) Public Library and Other Books.—The following action was
taken during the year in regard to the disinfection or destruction
of Public Library and privately-owned books:—
No. of Public Library Books removed from infected
homes, and disinfected 615
No. of Public Library books removed from homes in
which smallpox had occurred, and destroyed —
No. of privately-owned books removed from infected
homes, and disinfected 860
No. of books removed from the shelves of the Public
Libraries, and disinfected 6,986
Total number of books dealt with 8,461
Isolation Shelter.
During the year 36 persons were admitted to the shelter while
their homes were being disinfected. This total consisted of 9 men,
11 women, and 16 children. The cost of maintenance of these
persons was £2 19s. 3d. Letters of appreciation of the service are
not uncommon.
Cleansing of Persons Act, 1897.
The facilities provided by the Borough Council under the above
Act for the cleansing of verminous persons were in constant use.
The total number of baths given during the year was 1,077 (330 to
adults and 747 to children), whilst 2,689 head cleansings, not
necessitating bathing were carried out. The total number of
cleansings or treatments at the Cleansing Station during the year
was, therefore, 3,766.
Of the 1,077 baths given, 965 were sulphur baths for scabies
and 112 hot baths for pediculi. The great majority of the persons
presenting themselves for baths or cleansing were children from
the elementary schools in the Borough.