London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Hackney 1931

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Hackney]

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During the year Miss Portlock, the Inspector appointed for
the inspection of Outworkers' premises, made 937 inspections, and
794 re-inspections. She also made 697 visits without inspection,
the outworkers having left the premises (122), or having given up
home work (77), or being out at the time of visit (335), or owing
to a wrong address being given (72), or the premises being workshops
or factories (53), or the outworkers having died (18).
Miss Portlock also discovered one new workshop and handed in
the address for registration. During her visits of inspection she
found 292 premises with sanitary defects. For the abatement of
these she served 292 intimation notices. Of the 937 premises
inspected, in only 76 was a room set apart entirely for the work.
In the remainder work was carried on in rooms used for other purposes, as under:-
Workroom, bedroom, kitchen and living rooms 38
,, ,, and living room 24
,, ,, ,, kitchen 11
,, and kitchen 681
„ ,, bedroom 52
,, ,, parlour 41
,, scullery 11
,, ,, bathroom 1
„ shop 2