London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Beddington and Wallington 1937

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Beddington and Wallington]

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The remaining private wells, used for the most part by large
manufacturing firms, proved on examination in 1937 to be delivering a
water conforming to accepted standards.
The Council's soil and storm water drainage systems have been
extended during the year to meet the requirements of building estates
in course of development.
The Eastern Area Surface Water Drainage Scheme was completed
during 1937 at a cost of approximately £13,000, thus obviating the
flooding previously experienced on the roads at Beddington.
The new sewer in Beddington Park to drain the tennis pavilion,
tea chalet and cricket pavilion and cottages was also completed during
the year and cesspools were demolished.
The Wandle Valley Joint Sewerage Board have laid a new main
outfall sewer, commencing in London Road, just beyond the boundary
of this Borough, and the whole of the flooding in the Beddington
Corner area of the district has been removed.
It is anticipated that during the coming year the sewer in Woodmansterne
Lane will be extended in order to drain adequately the
existing cottages on the smallholdings. This will abolish the earth
closets at present in use.
Negotiations are proceeding for the proper drainage into the main
sewer of Messrs. G. Payne's factory and Croydon Cricket Club's pavilion
and the pavilions in Hillcrest Road, and it is contemplated that works
will be commenced in 1938 for this purpose.
All watercourses within the Borough receive constant supervision.
In accordance with the usual practice, the River Wandle was
cleaned out from the Croydon Borough boundary to Mitcham, all silt,
tree branches and obstruction being removed, while considerable
lengths of camp sheeting were provided to maintain the banks.
Practically the whole of the area is on the water carriage system,
draining into the public sewers.