Hints from the Health Department. Leaflet from the archive of the Society of Medical Officers of Health. Credit: Wellcome Collection, London
[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Malden & Coombe]
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year under review 65 wasps nests and 1 hornets nest were destroyed.
Again some requests were declined where the nests were found to
be in positions not causing real inconvenience. Wasps are not
entirely harmful, in fact it is known that they do much good and
the indiscriminate destruction of nests should be avoided. The
department also gave advice or assistance in dealing with bats,
moles, beetles, slugs, ants and pigeons.
By arrangement with the Surrey County Council the school
kitchens and canteens (eight in number) were thoroughly sprayed
at the appropriate time with D.D.T. solution as a deterent against
insect infestation.
Forty-one vacant council houses were inspected for any signs
of bed bug infestation and where evidence was discovered (in two
instances) appropriate steps were taken. Modern methods of treatment
are far more simple and effective than those of a few years
ago and cases of infestation are less frequently met with now than
One licence, of a limited character, was granted to station a
moveable dwelling in the area.
No application was received during the year for an Improvement
Grant under the Housing Act, 1949, although several enquiries
were made.
Stoppages in public sewers (combined drains) were cleared by
the department on two hundred and twenty-three occasions. In
a few instances the assistance of sewermen from the Borough
Engineer's department had to be obtained.