Hints from the Health Department. Leaflet from the archive of the Society of Medical Officers of Health. Credit: Wellcome Collection, London
[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Malden & Coombe]
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bye-laws regarding the handling, wrapping and delivery of
food and sale of food in the open air. These will come into
force early in the new year (1950).
Prior to this, however, carefully prepared codes of standards
and of conduct by employees had already been sent out to all
food preparing premises and the reaction of the proprietors, I
am glad to say, was most satisfactory.
Cleanliness in food production and handling has been the
focus of much attention by the public recently and rightly so,
and so far as this district is concerned I feel confident in
stating that, whilst individual cases may be found falling below
a reasonable standard, the management and workers in the
majority of instances recognise their duty to their customers
and endeavour to reach a high standard of hygienic efficiency.
For the purpose of abating nuisances or executing repairs
to houses the following notices were served:—
Preliminary 195
Abatement 116
Informal (dustbin only) 7
Formal (dustbin only) 6
In addition twenty-two informal notices were given under
the Food and Drugs Act, two under the Meat Regulations and
one under the Shops Act.
It was necessary to apply to the Courts in fifteen instances.
These referred to the following:—
Public Health Act, 1936.
Section 92 (1) (a). Premises in such a state as to
be a nuisance.
Nuisance Orders made 8
Applications withdrawn, work having been
completed before hearing 7
In only one instance was it necessary to supply a dustbin
to a house and charge the owner, where he had failed to
comply with a notice.
The whole of the Area is supplied by the Metropolitan
Water Board and the supply has been satisfactory both as regards
quantity and quality. In view of the large number of