Hints from the Health Department. Leaflet from the archive of the Society of Medical Officers of Health. Credit: Wellcome Collection, London
[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Malden & Coombe]
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Public Health Department,
Municipal Offices,
New Malden.
To the Mayor, Aldermen and Councillors
of the Borough of Maiden and Coombe,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I have the honour and pleasure to submit my thirtieth
Annual Report of work done and matters of interest concerning
the Sanitary Department.
Having been appointed sanitary inspector of the then
Urban District Council in November, 1919, I have now completed
30 years in your service and a total of 42 years in the
public health service. This is a long period and tempts me
to engage in retrospection, which however, if at all, should be
done otherwise than through the medium of this report. 1
may, however, be permitted to say that during this period
which includes the difficult years of the great war, I have
always maintained the happiest relations with the constantly
changing Council and with my brother officers including especially
the three medical officers of health with whom I have had
the privilege of working.
The year under review has been somewhat difficult, mainly
due to changes of staff. Both my deputy and junior inspector
resigned to take up other appointments and for a period this
left me with a depleted staff. Before they went a drive was
commenced to make detailed inspections of all food premises
and, where defects or deficiences were found, to get these
remedied. The new inspectors have continued this good work
with vigour and at the end of the year the survey was nearing
completion. The Council decided to adopt the new model