London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Merton and Morden 1947

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Merton & Morden]

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Beverley and Pyl Brooks for the purpose of detecting pollutions
and samples were obtained and sent for chemical analysis. Four
instances of pollution were discovered during the year and
appropriate action was taken.
Mosquitoes. A number of complaints were received from
residents and spraying of water courses, ditches and stagnant
ponds was carried out particularly in the vicinity of the Council's
recreation grounds and open spaces during the breeding season.
Rats and Mice (Destruction) Act, 1919 — Infestation Order,
1943. The Rats and Mice (Destruction) Act is administered
by the Council, the Surrey County Council having delegated
their powers to the local authority. A Rodent Operator is
employed and a free service is provided for householders but a
charge is made according to an agreed scale when work is
undertaken at business premises. During the year, 899 visits were
made to premises where infestations were known or suspected
and at 120 premises the infestations were cleared.
Treatment of the Council's sewers in the older parts of the
district was carried out and an average number of 70 manholes
were treated per day. Periodic treatment of the Council's refuse
tip at Garth Road was also carried out during the year.
Noise Nuisances. A number of complaints were received
from householders, alleging nuisances from excessive noise arising
at factory premises. The Council has limited powers under the
Merton and Morden Council Act, 1936, to deal with such noise
nuisances and at two factories, improvements were made by the
occupiers to reduce noise to a minimum.
Smoke Abatement. A number of complaints were received
relating to excessive smoke emitting from certain factory
chimneys. Twenty observations were made and in four instances,
the nuisances were satisfactorily abated.
Inspections of Cinemas and other Licensed Premises. Periodical
inspection of the two cinemas in the district and other licensed
premises was made during the year. All the sanitary conveniences
at these premises were inspected and found to be generally well
Shops Acts, 1912—1936. The following statement summaries
the inspections made, the infringements discovered and
other matters dealt with during the year.
No. of Inspections:—Day Visits 180
Evening Visits