London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Mitcham 1934

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Mitcham]

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The sources from which information as to the above-mentioned cases was obtained are as follows:—

No. of Cases.
Death returns(a) From Local Registers2...
(b) Transferable deaths from Registrar General11
Posthumous notifications......

The notification of tuberculosis in this district is fairly efficient,
as will be seen by the ratio of non-notified tuberculosis deaths to
the total tuberculosis deaths, viz.:—
Non-notified tuberculosis deaths 5
Notified tuberculosis deaths 45
Percentage of non-notified T.B. deaths
(all forms) 10 per cent.
Percentage of non-notified pulmonary
T.B. deaths 8 per cent.
Treatment for cases of tuberculosis is under the control of the
Surrey County Council.
A dispensary has been established at Western Road, Mitcham.
Arrangements have been made by this Borough for the examination
of sputa from cases or suspected cases of tuberculosis, and during
the year 162 such examinations have been made.
Chicken Pox.
One hundred and ten cases of chicken pox were notified by the
head teachers of the schools in the district.
Whooping Cough.
One hundred and twenty-three cases of whooping cough were
notified during the year by the head teachers of schools in this
district. Two deaths from whooping cough were registered during
the year.