London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Mitcham 1934

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Mitcham]

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The following table shows the number of new cases, the type of disease and the deaths from tuberculosis during the year.

Age Periods.New Cases.Deaths.
Under 1 year.....................1
1 year to 5 years.....................2
5 years „ 1521...2............
15 „ „ 2510102248......
25 „ „ 4512173...783...
45 „ „ 65921...953...
65 „ and upwards........................

New cases coming to the knowledge of the Medical Officer of Health during the year through (a)Death returns,(b)Posthumous notifications:—

Age Periods.0-1-5-10-15-20-25-35-45-55-65-Total.
Pulmonary: males........................2......2
Pulmonary: females........................2......2
Non-Pulmonary: males....................................
Non-Pulmonary: females1..............................1