London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Tottenham 1926

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Tottenham]

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Scarlet Fever.—The Metropolitan Asylums Board receive into their
Institutions such cases of Scarlet Fever as have been referred to them by
the Medical Officer of Health. During 1926, 93 cases have thus been
received from Tottenham into the Metropolitan Asylums Board Hospitals
and one patient was admitted into the London Fever Hospital. Two
Tottenham cases were removed to M.A.B. Hospitals from General
Hospitals in London.
In October the M.A.B. determined to limit the admissions to their
Institutions of patients suffering from Scarlet Fever during periods of
undue prevalence of Measles. This procedure is dictated by the relative
mildness of Scarlet Fever as it is now met with.
In 1926—the third year in succession—no deaths of Tottenham
patients were registered as being due to Scarlet Fever.
The determination of the Metropolitan Asylums Board appears to
be justified by the experiences of this district.
Five years ago it was found expedient to limit admissions to hospital
of patients suffering from Scarlet Fever to those who could not, without
grave risk to themselves or others, be kept at home. It will thus be seen
from the accompanying Table that of 481 cases notified, only 94 were
admitted to hospital from Tottenham (including three who received a
few days' treatment by the Council's Nurses prior to removal).
Two Tottenham children were removed to Isolation Hospital from General
Hospitals in London. 379 patients were treated to a conclusion by the
Council's Nurses and six were treated privately in their own homes.
The patients treated by the Council's Nurses in their own homes
were distributed as follows:—
298 premises in which 1 case occurred=298 cases.
26 ,, ,, 2 cases ,, =52 ,,
8 ,, ,, 3 ,, ,, = 24 ,,
1 ,, ,, 4 =4,,
1 ,, ,, =5 ,,
334 premises. *383 cases.