London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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West Ham 1934

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for West Ham]

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Table showing causes of death 1—5 years of age.

Infectious diseases.
(a) Measles (of whom 41 died between ,1—2 years)61
(b) Whooping Cough9
(c) Diphtheria (of whom 24 died between 2—5 years)27
(d) Scarlet Fever9
(e) Influenza1
(f) Cerebro Spinal Meningitis1
Pneumonia and Bronchitis51
Tuberculosis (all forms)11
Diarrhoea, digestive disorders, etc6
Other defined diseases11

There has been a fairly satisfactory response at the Infant
Welfare Centres to the propaganda for immunisation against
Diphtheria, but there is still amongst the parents much apathy and
lack of desire to understand the meaning and methods of this form
of protective treatment. Unfortunately also, many applications
are received only when the child has been recently exposed to the
disease. Intensive propaganda at the Clinics and in the homes by
the Health Visitors is gradually overcoming the existing prejudice.
Maternal Mortality.
During 1934 nine deaths occurred directly attributable to
diseases of pregnancy or connected with childbirth, giving a
maternal mortality rate of 2.01, the rate for England and Wales
being 4.41.
Of these nine deaths, 4 were due to Sepsis, and 5 from other
causes in consequence of pregnancy or childbirth.
The average age of the mothers was 29.3 years.
Notified causes of death.
(a) Puerperal Sepsis.
(1) Toxaemia
Streptococcal Pneumonia
(2) General Peritonitis
Ruptured Uterus
Instrumental delivery of Obstructed labour
(3) Puerperal Septicaemia
(4) Puerperal Septicaemia