London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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West Ham 1934

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for West Ham]

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The "After-Care" of old pupils is a voluntary one and is
carried out by correspondence and interviews at school.
In the P.D. Department '26 girls and 28 boys, and in the M.D.
Department 18 girls and 22 boys have been touched this year.
Some of these were leavers 20 years ago. One M.D. leaver
has kept his work for 18 years, and an old P.D. scholar has run
a confectionery business on his own for ,14 years. Nine have had
from 10 to 12 years' constant work.
Of the 54 P.D. children with whom we have kept in touch it
is pleasing to note that only six are actually out of work, despite
the labour depression. Of the M.D.'s 14 were unemployed.
The old pupils we have touched is only a very small proportion
of the actual leavers, but it has taught us that approximately onethird
of the M.D. and one-ninth of the P.D. children arc always
unemployed, and do not get placed in the world's market in some
form or other.
Frederick Road and Water Lane Deaf Centres.
These Centres have accommodation for 40 and 44 Deaf mutes
respectively. All the children are examined annually by an Assistant
School Medical Officer, and arrangements are also made for an
annual examination by the Specialist Aural Surgeon.
During 1934 the number of children examined at these schools
in the course of Routine Medical Inspection was as follows:—
Frederick Road Deaf Centre, 32.
Water Lane Deaf Centre, 29.
Very few minor defects were found, and these were referred
to the Clinic for appropriate treatment.
A number of children from outside areas are admitted to these
schools by arrangement with the Local Education Authority, when
vacant places permit.
The following reports have been received from the Head
Teachers of the Deaf Centres regarding "Leavers":—
Frederick Road Deaf Centre.
One boy working with a Tailor.
One boy working in a Box-making Factory.
One boy working in a Confectioners' Shop.
One girl unemployed.
Water Lane Deaf Centre.
One boy working at Sign Writing after attending Day Continuation
One boy Unemployed.
One boy transferred to Rayners Penn M.D. Institution.