London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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West Ham 1934

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for West Ham]

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Dick Test.
Number of patients tested462
Number which proved positive242
Rate per cent. of positives52.38
Number immunised167
Number of cases in which permission for immunisation was not obtained9
Rate per cent. of cases in which permission for immunisation was not obtained1.94

Gate Cases.

The following is a record of cases suspected to be suffering from infectious diseases which were brought direct to the Hospital for diagnosis:—

Number sent by medical practitioners193
Number of these admitted73
(Diphtheria 63, Scarlet Fever 8, Other diseases 2)
Number brought by relatives299
Number of these admitted (Diphtheria 43, Scarlet Fever 5, Other diseases 19)67
Number sent from other hospitals20
Number of these admitted (Diphtheria 4, Scarlet Fever 1, Other diseases 2)7
Total number of cases examined512
Total number of cases admitted:—
Scarlet Fever14
Other diseases23

Bacteriological Work.

Swabs examined for diphtheria:— Number sent by Medical Practitioners:—

Positive resultsPer cent positive